miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011

Kalan-G'eld - Current Events 1362 DR

The wife and daughter of Malavon Auvry’Zynge are kinnaped, two days later they corpses are found in the Old City. Malavon Auvry’Zynge claims vengance.

Circa Tarkash
The majority of the Ildorno recently left Kalan-G'eld to pursue the whims of their matron mother Allevrah Ildorno, this ancient house retains its holdings in the city. No one would dare make an attack against them. From their palace, First son Kardinnyr and an army of his most devoted servants defends the family's concerns against the coveteous schemes of the city. To aid their son defense, the Ildorno have opened their fearfully rumored vaults, releasing ancient and powerful treasures and secrets long gleaned from Lolth.

A patrol of Kalan-G’eld led by Orgoloth Ildorno discovers ruins "of an unknown race" on upper Underdark. The patrol had been sent to track a group of Dark Creepers.

Circa Eleint
There are some rumors around Kalan-G'eld that one of the ruling houses has lost the boon of Lolth.

22 of Marpenoth,
Matron Mother Laurossil Cadryenne brings together all relevant members of his family, to said them that House Achria has lost favor Loth.
It's time to strike. If House Achria fall, House Sorenthin will be less strong.

The Campaign begins here...

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