In 1369 DR, Year of the Banner
Iyactu Xvim, the demipower and son of Bane, frees himself from his prison under the ruins of Zhentil Keep, his acolytes raising his status to a lesser god.
Fzoul Chembryl is temporarily possessed by Xvim, who sets Fzoul on the path to rule Xvim's church. Fzoul allies with the High Blade of Mulmaster in exchange for the whereabouts of the two Imperceptors of Bane in his city. Khelben and Fzoul meet in secret in Voonlar, where Khelben provides Fzoul with information about Lord Orgauth, and Fzoul vows to limit the Xvimlar's eastward expansion for 10,000 days. (Moonsea)
Orc chieftain Obould and his horde claim the mountainous region north of the Evermoors and west of the Moonwood as the Kingdom of Dark Arrows.
Thay launches its latest invasion attempt against Aglarond in the winter. Szass Tam creates a vast army of undead to cross the frozen Umber Marshes. The animated corpses crash like waves against the Watchwall but fail to overcome the fortification. (Thay) (Aglarond)
Piergeiron destroys the dracolich Kistarianth the Red on the slopes of Mount Waterdeep during Halaster's Harvestide. The transformed red dragon was slain in life by Piergeiron's father, Athar the Shining Knight.
Randal Morn reclaims the throne of Daggerdale.
The Seven Sisters join together to fight drow, red wizards, treacherous merchants, and Halaster Blackcloak himself.
Trade with Maztica hampered by attacks from sea creatures.
The Trades Conflagration: This blaze engulfs over 60% of Emerald Ward and 50% of Grand Ward. Marekh Sabban is destroyed by the fires, along with numerous areas in the Muzad beneath it. (Calimshan)
The cambion (half tanar'ri/half human) Vheod Runechild, escapes from the Abyss to Toril. Soon after he embarks on a quest to rid the dalelands of a powerful demon lord, the tanar'ri balor Chare'en. (Dalelands)
The armies set upon Zhentil Keep by Cyric remain entrenched around the besieged city. Lord Orgauth rallies the troops that remain and assumes control of the Keep with no opposition. (Moonsea)
The island known as the Ship of the Gods explodes. Tidal waves swamp the Alaor and Bezantur, causing much destruction. Mulhorand briefly seizes the Alaor. (Mulhorand) (Thay)
Increased eastward trade inspires merchants from other countries to establish outposts in Rashemen. One group of settlers are shield dwarves. The local Rashemi welcome the dwarves after testing their ability to forge, fight, and drink. (Rashemen)
Surviving daemonfey of House Dlardrageth, from the destruction of Hellgate Keep, are freed after millennia of imprisonment.
The High Forest expands under the direction of Turlang the Treant. (High Forest)
The largest exodus to date from the Deep Realm begins. The Army of Gold sets out on a great crusade to reclaim the caverns of Taark Shanat and restore the glory of Shanatar, the ancient kingdom of the shield dwarves. (Savage Frontier)
The Twelfth Serôs War: Nearly every major event in Serôs this cycle has its ties to the destruction wrought by Iakhovas, He who Swims with Sekolah.
The Nantarn Feasts collect the allied races at Myth Nantar to celebrate the end of the Twelfth Serôs War. To the surprise of many, the Dukar Orders make themselves known to Serôs for the first time in over 600 years. Numerous shalarin, morkoth, sea elves, and some surface-world immigrants join the Dukars to become the peacekeepers of Myth Nantar and the Nantarn Alliance. (Serôs)
The Reclamation Wars of Tethyr end with the coronation of Tethyr's Queen-Monarch Zaranda and King Haedrak III. (Tethyr)
Deepwater War: Led by Iakhovas, denizens from under of the sea plague the Sword Coast, resulting in attacks on Waterdeep, Baldur's Gate, Calimport, and other random ports on the Outer Sea. (The Sword Coast)
Halaster's Higharvestide: The Twisted Rune abducts Halaster Blackcloak from Undermountain. The Mad Mage's wards are disrupted releasing all manner of monsters through Waterdeep's streets.
Without Halaster's protection, the Skulls attack and destroy Shradin Mulophor and become the undisputed masters of Skullport. (Waterdeep)
House Tor’Qar crushes the Ildorno.
Before the end, hundreds of drow and hundreds more of their savage mercenaries were killed. The nobles might have destroyed themselves entirely had not the Queen of the Spiders intervened, though the cost was great to both Lolth and the noble houses. The price she exacted from her most devoted house was even greater—Zauviir was exterminated.
In the wake of this departure came the revelation that Lolth had accepted the repentance of her most wayward disciple: Allevrah, mistress of house Ildorno. The Ildorno were restored to their former holdings, if not their former position of leadership; and Allevrah herself, that most resourceful of adventurers, became Lolth’s Chosen.
Lest the dynamic rivalry of the houses again become unbalanced, an eighth noble family was introduced: the Vae.
A family of landless nobles from a lost city beneath the Vast, the Vae had long worked as slave-traders travelling with their attendant merchant clans, from whom they were indistinguishable, save for their house emblems. House Vae was granted the properties of the exterminated Zauviir and charged with the task of restoring the drow to prosperity. Though they and their merchant followers were worshipers of the goddess Kiaransalee, the traditions of their cult allowed them to give deference to the Queen of the Spiders, and so the Vae were found acceptable to Lolth and her priestesses.
Lolth took living sacrifices from the six warring houses before departing Kalan-G’eld, so that none should go unpunished.
Her high priestess put the chief consort of house Hlaneld through the Test of Sacrifice, one of her many punishments, transforming him into a hideous spiderleg horror. The drow nobles were then free to set about repairing their estates and nurturing new rivalries under the watchful eye of the Fane.
The city's Archmage Maethel Zauviir who organized the coup is sacrified to Lolth.
In the The Feast of the Moon,
Kalan-G’eld Llothite priesthood was overthrown by the worshippers of Vhaeraun in a relatively bloodless coup. The city is now ruled by a council of the representatives of the Sorcere, Melee-Magthere & Arach-Tilinith academies. All aspects of culture be they wizards, fighters, clerics or merchants are treated the same, although the city's Archmage, Malavon Auvry’Zynge who organized the coup seems to hold the most power and Vhaeraun is now venerated above Lolth.
In 1368 DR, Year of the Banner
The Second Banedeath: The Church of Cyric launches inquisitions in Yûlash, Darkhold, Teshwave, Zhentil Keep, and the Citadel of the Raven to cleanse the Zhent holdings of non-Cyricist priests.
Fall of Zhentil Keep: In the last three days of the year, Fzoul Chembryl reads aloud from the True Life of Cyric, revealing the dark god's betrayal of his faithful at Zhentil Keep. Xeno Mirrormane, High Priest of Cyric, is struck by powerful divine fire from Mask. The flames devour Xeno, then proceeded to do likewise to the temple of Cyric. Fzoul subsequently flees the falling city to Teshwave as Cyricsummoned giants, dragons, and other monsters sack much of Zhentil Keep.
Atreus, a disfigured merchant, and his Ogre companion Yago, travel through the Utter East and into the Yehimal Mountains in search of the fabled land of Langdarma and a cure.
Baylee Arnvold discovers the Lost Library of Cormanthyr.
Walinda, priestess of Bane, attempts to restore the dead god Bane to life by retrieving the Hand of Bane, a lost artifact of evil. Ultimately, her plans are thwarted by Joel, the Rebel Bard, and the Hand of Bane is destroyed.
A strange plague sweeps through the Forest of Lethyr, destroying the minds of many treants and reducing them to mere trees. (Great Dale)
High Blade Selfaril of Mulmaster is slain by his twin brother Rassendyll, who assumes his identity. (Moonsea)
Thay causes chaos in Rashemen by igniting the western portion of the Ashenwood, driving its fell creatures eastward into civilized areas. During the confusion, gangs of cutthroats teleport to Mulsantir and Immilmar to slay important Rashemi but are cut down by berserkers. (Rashemen)
The orc hordes of King Obould Many-Arrows swarm out of the underdark and lay siege to Mithral Hall. (Savage Frontier)
A fortress eerily similar to long destroyed Castle Perilous magically constructs itself outside of the small Vassan community of Palishchuk. (Vaasa)
Thay places enclaves in Cimbar, Phsant, Proskur, and Tsurlagol. The zulkirs ramp up the production of magic items for export. (Thay)
The Red Wizards open an enclave in Phsant. The place is an instant hit with merchants up and down the Golden Way. (Thesk)
A fad for dream spheres sweeps the City of Splendors, appealing to the increasing ranks of those who dream of a better life but despair of ever achieving it. Waterdeep's nobility war with each other behind the shadows. Danilo Thann joins forces with Arilyn Moonblade to uncover the source of the conflict. Lord Thesp's son and heir, Oth Eltorchul, is left a babbling husk after dabling in the creation of the dream spheres. (Waterdeep)
The Font of Knowledge, a temple dedicated to Oghma, is established in Waterdeep. (Waterdeep)
Waterdhavian youth enlist in Prince Haedrak's Reclamation Army to restore Tethyr's monarchy. (Waterdeep)
The White Kingdom was nearly defeated by this alliance, but the long-time enemies of the illithids, the cloackers, offered to come to the ghouls' aid. The cloakers attacked the kuo-toans while the ghouls, immune to psionic mind-control, assaulted the illithid cities. The White Kingdom expanded once again. Some of the ghouls paused in their conquests and constructed their capital city of Kilenor near the Cloaker Rift.
In 1367 DR, Year of the Staff
Alias and Dragonbait defeat Victor Dhostar (The Faceless) and the Night Masks of Westgate.
Tethyr's Reclamation Wars begin.
The Simbul disappears for three months during the spring. Councilors begin to jockey for position, many hoping to be named the new ruler by acclamation. When the Simbul finally returns, she makes clear arrangements to notify the council in the event of her death. (Aglaron)
Aeron Morieth becomes the Stormwalker of Maerchwood (Chessenta).
Pryce Covington discovers his old friend murdered, then is mistaken for the great mage Darlington Blade. Pryce soon finds he is both investigator and murder suspect. (Halruaa)
Rashemi road builders complete the stretch from Mulsantir to Tinner. (Rashemen)
Dwarves of Clan Warcrown, bolstered by troops from Silverymoon, attack the Many Arrows orcs and sieze the Citadel. King Emerus Warcrown is enthroned in triumph in the Citadel, restored to its old dwarf name of Felbarr. (Savage Frontier) (High Forest)
Bold Faerûnian pirates descend to the Hmur Plateau, seeking treasure. Plunderers of a dragon turtle's cave amid the plateau cliffs, they pay for their invasion with their lives, though some pirates escape with magical treasures.(Serôs)
Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunson unmasks himself and resigns as a Lord of Waterdeep, to the surprise of the populace and his fellow Lords. (Waterdeep) (Sword Coast North)
The seemingly unstoppable expansion of the White Kingdom was at last checked by an alliance between the illithids and kuo-toans. The kuo-toans were immune to ghoul paralysis, while the illithids used their psionic abilities to appear without warning and control armies of umber hulk slaves.
In KalanG’eld due to the unrest and high mortality the Lolth priestess accept that loyal servants take the path of the Dread Fang of Lolth
In 1366 DR, Year of the Staff
First Princess of Thay marries Selfaril of Mulmaster.
Thay invades Rashemen from the east, while Red Wizards melt glaciers in the Icerim Mountains, causing severe flooding in Immilmar, and Mulsantir. While the hathrans are distracted, the Thayans forces cross the foothills of the High Country but are driven back by angry elementals. (Rashemen)
The Shadowmasters drive out Evgruth and his pirate fleet with a bloody night of murders and arson. (Thesk)
Waterdhavians refound the city's old bardic college and name it New Olamn. (Waterdeep) (The North)
In 1365 DR, Year of the Sword
Tlincallis diviners from Maztica complete their ritual and gate more than a thousand of their kind into the caves and tunnels beneath Amn. This expeditionary force quickly descended deeper into the Underdark and infested the abandoned dwarf kingdom of Xothaerin, where they established Oaxapupta. (Maztica)
The Thayan army marches on Emmerch. Aglarondan griffonriders spot a second Thayan force moving toward the Shyvar Pass. Forces from Glarondar meet the southern Thayan army and force them back, then come around through the Tannath Gap and take the Thayans at Emmech from behind. (Aglarond)
The Sembian Cult cell convinces Malygris, a blue dragon of Anauroch, to become a dracolich. This dracolich then attacks, kills, and replaces the ruler of the Great Desert's loose society of blue dragons. (Anauroch)
Alasklerbanbastos and the young chromatic wyrms who follow him seize control of Threskel, Thamor, Mordulkin, Mount Thulbane, and the Watcher's Cape. (Chessenta)
Thay invades Rashemen from the east, while Red Wizards melt glaciers in the Icerim Mountains, causing severe flooding in Immilmar, and Mulsantir. While the hathrans are distracted, the Thayans forces cross the foothills of the High Country but are driven back by angry elementals. (Rashemen)
The god Talos acts to supplant the worship of the Earthmother of the Moonshaes with the gods of Faerûn. The legendary "Elf-Eater" is destroyed. Alicia Kendrick becomes high queen of the Moonshaes. (The Moonshaes)
House Tor’Qar crackdown against the Ildorno begins.
Circa Eleasias,
The city of Glimmerfell, falls in the hands of the White Kingdom.
The city of Che’el draa Karliiken Tagnik’zur is growing fast, many refugees escaping the advance of the White Kingdom, settle in the city, which becomes an important point of the sale of slaves in less than a year.
In 1364 DR, Year of the Wave
The Sembian Cult cell steps up its activities against the Zhentarim, attacking caravans and attempting to usurp control of various trade routes. (Sembia)
Long feared dead, the barbarian Wulfgar is released from his imprisonment by the demon Errtu, and returned alive to the Realms. Drizzt and company banish Errtu back to the abyss once more. (Savage Frontier)
Drizzt and companions start out toward The Spirit Soaring in hopes that the priest Cadderly can destroy Crenshinibon the Crystal Shard, once and for all. (Savage Frontier)
Caledan Caldorien is corrupted by evil and becomes a Shadowking; immediately releasing three shadevari on the Realms. Fortunately the shadevari were destroyed and Caledan emerged from the king's corpse, just barely alive.
An agent of the Knights of the Shield assassinates Pasha Balik in his bed. (Calimshan)
Lord Uthlain inherits his position from his father, Lord Uthrain. The elder lord is killed in a hunting accident initially blamed on the rangers of the Forest of Lethyr. A group of adventurers tracks down the real killers, servants of the Shadowmasters who hoped to destabilize Uthmere. (Great Dale)
The Way Inn is rebuilt. (Savage Frontier)
Shieldmeet in Waterdeep is disrupted by bard and ex-Harper Iriador "Garnet" Wintermist and the green dragon Grimnoshtadrano, the Riddling Dragon of the High Forest. (Sword Coast: North)
The Sharkjaws, a flotilla of pirate vessels under the corsair lord Evgruth the Red, descend on Telflamm and make the city their homeport. Evgruth extorts massive bribes from the merchants' council to spare Telflamm's own trade. (Thesk)
Circa Ches,
The true ghouls' first conquest was an enclave of drow, refugees from House Ildorno in the ruins of Chael-Rekshaar. Bolstered by their freshly undead drow allies, they conquered the duergar city of Hagegraf, and whole tribes of troglodites. Fall of Ylesh Nahei, the drow were ejected by the ghouls, the city was almost entirely reduced to rubble.
From this date religious unrest grows more frequent. Church schisms are brutally suppressed. First re-appearance of the Preceptors of Lolth.
3 of Uktar,
Increasingly the feeling in Kalan-G’eld was that any means was justified if it meant the survival of the city. This attitude is embodied by the Master of Sorcere Maethel Zauviir, attempts to executed the entire Grand Council in order to replace them with warriors loyal to him alone.
13 of Marpenoth
A band of mercenary drow, refuges, and scum led by a dark stalker called Augustus discover and ancient city in ruins.
Seems and old city that recently has been ransaqued by a group of adventurers, there are many kobolds in the city.
The named the place Che’el draa Karliiken Tagnik’zur (that means city of the two headed dragon).
In 1363 DR, Year of the Wyvern
Lord Cutter arrives in Iriaebor with Zhentish forces and begins her rule.
The Battle of Daggerford.
The ancient city of Mezro reappears. The Ring of Winter is discovered within by Harper agent Artus Cimber. (Chult)
King Imphras V dies of a wasting sickness at the age of four. (Impiltur)
An unusually cold winter in Rashemen allows a large number of cold-loving creatures to move southward from the Icerim Mountains into the North Country and beyond. (Rashemen)
The Way Inn destroyed by hordes from Dragonspear Castle. (Savage Frontier)
A large number of surface-world shipwrecks descent upon the Hmur Plateau and the Lost Lands this year. (Serôs)
Tammar is rebuilt and restored to its former status. The surviving residents brave enough to return hail the orcs as heroes and welcome them into the community. (Thesk)
Circa Tarsakh,
The majority of the Ildorno recently left Kalan-G'eld to pursue the whims of their matron mother Allevrah Ildorno, this ancient house retains its holdings in the city, No one would dare make an attack against them. From their palace, First son Kardinnyr and an army of his most devoted servants defends the family's concerns against the covetous schemes of the city. To aid their's son defense, the Ildorno have opened their fearfully rumored vaults, releasing ancient and powerful treasures and secrets long gleaned from Lolth.
Helmsport is declared capital of New Amn. The clergy of Helm in the South declare that the year marks the beginning of blessed works for the faithful.
Maligor, Zulkir of Alteration, of the Red Wizards of Thay attempts to wrest control of the nation from the Council of Zulkirs. His plan might have worked was it not for the intervention of Harper agents and the lich, Szass Tam, Zulkir of Necromancy.
The Edificant Library is destroyed. Construction of its replacement, the cathedral Sprit Soaring begins.
The Knights of the Black Gauntlet seize power in the city- state of Mintar on the Lake of Steam. (Calimshan)
The Rotting Man appears in the Rawlinswood. (Great Dale)
Thay attempts to invade Rashemen by moving forces through Thesk along the Golden Way, but they are overwhelmed by water elementals summoned by the Witches. The Thayans retreat after using magic to scorch the western shore to bare rock. The Witches spend a month repairing the damage. (Rashemen)
The Merchants' Council of Phsant takes action, sending to Tammar an army of one hundred of the best orc warriors the Zhentarim left behind. The Tuigan bandits cannot match the savagery of the orcs, and they are hunted down to the last man. (Thesk)
In 1361 DR, Year of Maidens
Cordell and the Golden Legion discover The New World, Maztica. The native city of Ulatos is taken over by Amnian forces, and Helmsport is founded.
Four Cult of the Dragon archmages arrive outside of the Silverymoon and unleash spells to draw Alustriel out. She and Taern "Thunderspell" dispatch two of them easily, but Taern and other Spellguard members are soon kept busy with a dracolich unleashed on the southern walls. Alustriel defeats another Cult mage, but only the timely arrival of Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun and Laeral Silverhand saved Alustriel's life against the final archmage.
Word reaches Tethyr and Calimshan of the discovery of the western lands of Maztica. (Calimshan) (Tethyr)
The First Banedeath: The First Banedeath begins as a holy war in Zhentil Keep. The Banedeath was an inquisition launched by Cyric through his agent Xeno Mirrormane. Xeno led the followers of Cyric through the dark, twisted streets of Zhentil Keep in an attempt to cleanse the city of all Banite worship. The Banites were given two choices: worship Cyric or explain to him in person why he was not worthy of worship. (Moonsea)
The Harper Assassin plagues the North. Danilo Thann and Arilyn Moonblade discover that the assassin is really the gold elf Kymil Nimesin. Danilo becomes a Harper. (Savage Frontier)
Waterdeep, along with the rest of the Lords' Alliance, is forced to threaten war when Luskan once again conquers Ruathym to the west. (Sword Coast North)
Tuigan bandits occupy Tammar. They terrorize merchants traveling the newly reopened Golden Way for months.
In 1360 DR, Year of the Turret
The Horde: Winter snows hold the Thayan army in place, allowing the berserkers to move north again and attack the unsuspecting Tuigans in their camps. The Battle of the Lake of Tears forces the Horde to fall back. The Red Wizards part the waters of Ashane to allow the Tuigans to retreat. The Rashemi do not pursue. (Rashemen)
The Horde: Having been defeated in Rashemen the previous winter, Yhamun Khahan turns his attention west, along the Golden Way. People of many nations rally to the cry of the Council of Thesk. Their combined forces defeat the Tuigans at Phsant. King Azoun IV defeats Yamun Khahan in individual combat. (Thesk)
At the behest of Talona, Castle Trinity begins its campaign of conquest.
The ancient fang dragon Nartheling moves into the peak of Umbergoth.
Through the efforts of a Harper hero named Lander and the witch Ruha, the Harpers manage to put a good dent into the Zhentarim caravan operations in the Anauroch desert. (Anauroch)
The Wyrmskull Throne of Shanatar is discovered by pirates in the Bay of Skulls in the sheltering lee of Hook Isle, before it is once again lost to the world. (Calimshan)
Many mercenaries depart Tethyr to participate in the crusade of King Azoun IV of Cormyr against the Tuigan horde. (Calimshan) (Tethyr)
The Horde: Zhentil Keep sends orcs to Thesk in defense against the Tuigan horde. (Moonsea)
A volcanic eruption created by magic buries the Semphâri city of Solon under magma. (Raurin Desert)
In 1359 DR, Year of the Serpent
The Horde: Yamun Khahan, unites the tribes of the Horse Barbarians and becomes Emperor of the Tuigan. Not content to be emperor of the steppe, Yamun's vast armies breech the Dragonwall and invade Shou-Lung. After months of fierce fighting, a truce is declared and Yamun turns his attention to the west.
The Horde: The Tuigan Horde invades Thay.
Although a small scouting force of Tuigans was defeated by Thayan magic, General Batu Min Ho proved a far worthier foe.
Thousands of gnolls and the vaunted Griffon Legion are defeated at the mouth of Shar's Pass. Zulkir Szass Tam arranges a truce with the Tuigans and builds a great portal to transport them north to Rashemen. (Thay)
The Horde: Soon after arriving in Rashemen via a Thayan portal, the Tuigans besiege and destroy Citadel Rashemar, with the main force moving across the High Country to attack forces rallied by the Witches at the Lake of Tears.
Pinned by the Thayan army south of Lake Mulsantir, the largest force of Rashemi berserkers is unable to support the Witches, who can only delay the immense horde. (Rashemen)
Thousands of refugees stream across Lake Ashane fleeing the Tuigan Horde. A few of the more determined head toward Uthmere and settle along the Great Road. To this day, the people of the Great Dale refer to these people as "the newcomers". (Great Dale)
Damara united by Gareth Dragonsbane, who is soon crowned as its king.
Myrmeen Lhal, Lady of Arabel, confronts and exposes The Night Parade in Calimport.
Large numbers of Leiran (Cyricist) priests settle in Samarach. (Samarach)
Ixitxachitl temporarily conquer some areas of northeastern Hmur Plateau (beneath the Fangrocks), but are ousted from their redoubts within a year. (Serôs)
The high priests of Gilgeam flee with Unther's military elite to the Citadel of Black Ash. (Unther)
Mount Ugruth briefly awakens with a few rumbles. This minor volcanic activity was sufficient to briefly open a portal to the Elemental Plane of Fire. Dozens of magmins are released into the volcano's steaming heart. Some of these creatures emerge to cause havoc in the surrounding area from time to time. (Vilhon Reach)
In 1358 DR, Year of Shadows (Time of Troubles)
The city of Kalan-G’eld is not affected by the chaos of the Time of Troubles. Ibrandul, was slain by a group of mortal heroes, droplets of his blood burned through the earth and exposed the here to fore unknown tunnels and galleries of Underdark. This opened the way to warbands from Faerun, who quickly descended into the depths to search for the weapons and armor of the slain god. In the chaos of the Godswar, House Do’Urden ascend to 11th Ruling House of Kalan-G’eld.
Giogi Wyvernspur and Flattery Wyvernspur battle for control of the legendary family heirloom.
The Time of Troubles: Gods walk Toril. Dead magic and wild magic areas appear. Destruction of Bane, Bhaal, Gilgeam, Ibrandul, Myrkul, and other deities. Ascendancy of Cyric and Midnight (Mystra).
On the night of the Fall of the Gods, accompanied by fire from the sky, Bane's spirit falls from the heavens, directly on top of his dark temple in Zhentil Keep, the Black Altar. The force of the landing destroys the temple, save for the throne room that served as an alter of power for Bane. This event is remembered by Zhents as the Arrival. (Moonsea)
A large force of malaugrym enter the Realms hoping to take advantage of the Time of Troubles and eliminate Elminster and infiltrate Realmsian society in preparations for their killing and replacing many important personages in Faerûn. Most malaugrym were defeated but several escaped.
Moander returns to the Forgotten Vale and takes control of the settlement of Saurials, but is driven back into the Planes by Alias and friends. Finder Wyvernspur, The Nameless Bard, destroys Moander and becomes a demi-power.
Shond Tharovin unleashes the demilich Shoon VII on Zallanora Argentresses, a young female elf wizard, and the spirits of the undead Qysar and the young elf switch bodies. (Calimshan)
The Shadow Thieves lose the entire membership of the Shade Council and two-thirds of their assassin members thanks to the machinations of the gods. In response, they undergo a sweeping reorganization. (Calimshan)
Mourngrym and Shaerl of Shadowdale have a son, Scotti. (Dalelands)
Ao dissolves the Imaskari planar barrier, allowing the manifestations of Mulhorandi deities to leave Toril and rejoin their divine essences. (Mulhorand)
During the Godswar, the avatar of Sseth appears briefly above the water of the Lapal Sea before battling the dinosaur avatar of Ubtao on the eastern edge of the Jungles of Chult. (Samarach)
Battle of Keeper's Dale: House Baenre leads an army of drow, goblins, and kobolds out of Menzoberranzan to attack the dwarves of Mithral Hall. The dwarves are aided by svirfneblin, local barbarians, troops from Nesme and Silverymoon; even the mysterious Harpells and Lady Alustriel herself. The drow are ultimately defeated and driven back to their homeland. (Savage Frontier)
House Oblodra, their psionic power unaffected by the disruption in magic caused by the Time of Troubles, attempts to seize control of Menzoberranzan. Upon the conclusion of the Godswar the invisible art is changed. Psions discover they must relearn the paths to tap psionic energy. The tables are turned on House Oblodra and they are destroyed by ruling house Baenre. (Savage Frontier)
The Ebondeath Sect in the Mere of Dead Men collapses when Myrkul is destroyed. (Savage Frontier) (The North)
The Lords' Alliance expels Luskan's forces from Ruathym by applying combined diplomatic and military pressure. Luskan and the allied island realms of the Trackless Sea join to form the Captain's Confederation. (Savage Frontier) (The North)
The Summer Storms War claims the lives of many sahuagin of the Alamber as well over thirty ships and 2,000 people of Mulhorand as the god-kings' forces clash with the sea devils. (Serôs)
The Time of Troubles: The visitations of Sekolah, Anhur, Umberlee, and other lesser water powers cause much disruption. The mythal barrier around Myth Nantar crackles and surges but holds against attempts to break the barrier. (Serôs)
Assuran (Hoar) slays Ramman, bringing the Untheric pantheon to an end. Riots erupt throughout Unther, and the empire falls into chaos. (Unther)
Tiamat slays Gilgeam, and Unthalass is heavily damaged during their battle. (Unther)
The Roar of Shadows: Malar attempts to enter the confines of the Gulhmere Forest--to destroy the druids there--but was challenged by Nobanion and driven northwest toward the Sword Coast. (Vilhon Reach)
Silvanus is seen roaming in Winterwood and the heart of the Chondalwood. He also reportedly blessed the island of Ilighôn during the Long Night. (Vilhon Reach)
In 1340 DR, Year of the Lion
Vriel was on the verge of despair when an old ally found the Do’Urdens camped by an underground sea. Its name was Ohlcaig, and it was an illithid priest of Ilsensine. It had been an ally of Vriel Do’Urden during the family feud in Menzoberranzan, and it still thought the proud drow could be useful to the mind flayers and their machinations. Ohlcaig told Vriel about an underground city on the other side of Faerun. It had been a city of the Shadrim, but it had been abandoned since the fall of the Illithid empire. It was far from Menzoberranzan and completely unknown to the surface world. Vriel thought it was perfect.
Ohlcaig arranged for the planar transport of the House of Do’Urden. They traveled through several planes until they reached a portal that led to the new lands. Once back on Faerun, it was but a short journey to the ancient city of which Ohlcaig had spoken. It wasn’t the ruin city that Ohlcaig has said.
The Do’Urdens, enter the city and take their role as a minor house, but in a couple of years they became one of the ruling houses of Kalan-G’eld.
In 1339 DR, Year of the Weeping Moon
The House Do’Urden of Menzoberranzan is exterminated. Vriel, a minor priestess of the House of Do’Urden, rallied a group of members of the house and marched out of Menzoberranzan.
She took two merchant clans, a troglodyte tribe, a dozen trolls, and a hunting pack of displacer beasts with her. She didn’t know where she would go, but she vowed that the House of Do’Urden would return to Menzoberranzan as conquerors or not at all.
The first year outside Menzoberranzan was difficult.
In 1337 DR, Year of the Wandering Maiden
A party of drow, half-drow, and shatúrug, led by a half-drow adventurer from Kalan-G’eld named Jhalavar Kasar cleaned out much of the city of Khor over a long personal campaign, and set up permanent residence.
In 1285 DR, Year of the Blacksnake
Khundrukar is discovered by the orcs. The orcish chieftains raised a great army and marched on Khundrukar. In a hard-fought siege lasting months, the orcs tunneled around the dwarven defenses and stormed the place, putting all within the sword.
In 1212 DR, Year of the Blazing Banners
Shriavin Xunqualyn returned alone and founded a college there to teach others what he knew. Over the years, the college grew in size, when the scattered drow listen that the somebody has returned to Kalan-G’eld many of them returned, and other buildings were built around it to cater to the students living within.
The cavern has change a lot. The bay has disappeared and a great Rift opens in the middle of the cavern.
The remand members of the old Houses returned to the city, House Ildorno members place their new house over the ruins of the older one.
In 1208 DR, Year of the Gamine
An earthquake destroyed the drow city of Kalan-G’eld.
While most of the drow were killed, a young drow necromancer named Shriavin Xunqualyn escaped. Shriavin Xunqualyn fled to the Negative Plane with a small contingent of followers and apprentices.
In 1164 DR, Year of the Long Shadows
The great dwarven smith Durgeddin the Black was driven from his home by a horde of fierce orcs and trolls. They plundered his ancestral halls and slew all they could catch. Fleeing his enemies, Durgeddin led the destitute remnats of his clan in search of a new home.
After years of wandering, the dwarves discovered a great cavern system beneath Gryphon Caverns, which is a rugged, forested hill crowned by a bare rocky crag. There Durgeddin and his followers founded the secret stronghold of Khundrukar – the Glitterhammer.
In 1159 DR, Year of the Cloven Stones
After several months of silence, the caverns exploded. Szordrin Zau’Tar Pass was cut off by a large force of orcs.
Goblins, sneaking down the Red River, swarmed into the Cavern,quickly fording the river with portable bridges. They were well prepared, and executed a good plan.
The creatures sneaking around the crevasse, they were first spotted as they approached the new city. An alarm was raised, and quickly the bridge to Old City was raised, assuring its survival and the new city's destruction.
It took two months to drive the creatures from the Cavern. A combination of counter attacks from Old City and the arrival of the Hellknights of Loth, but what actually ended the siege was the mass pull out of the invading forces. One night they just left, with no treaty, no surrender, indeed, no explanation at all. The new city was rebuilt, and named the Mining District.
In 1153 DR, Year of the Remembering Stones
An exploration dig in the Sundered Caverns south of Kalan-G’eld uncorered large quantity of adamantine only found in small quantities before. The rush began.
Tales reached around the Underdark and soon prospectors flooded into the Cavern.
Old City grew quickly, and soon filled to dangerous numbers. Fearing a take over by the mob descending upon Kalan-G’eld, the authorities declared the entire Cavern and surrounding caverns property of Kalan-G’eld.
Kalan-G’eld is in a very defensible location.
One pass only leads to the interior of the cave, weaving its way through the Sundered Caverns. A few others lead up into the caverns, but don't cross. There is no way to move a large force through these passes.
The Kalan-G’eld Regulars became a standing army, supported by new taxes. Most of the initial company of soldiers retained their high-ranking posts. Commander Seldzar was given the position of Commander of all Kalan-G’eld Forces, with orders to protect Old City and the Heights at all costs. His first assignment was to seal off Old City to immigrants. A new district was designed off the same basic plan, just to the south of Old City and across the crevasse.
Goblinoid War
The Goblinoid War came as a complete surprise to the people of Kalan-G’eld. Of course, threats from cavern denizens existed from the earliest discovery of the Cavern. Most of these monstrous incursions (involving goblins, orcs, and the like) were sporadic and uncoordinated; easily rebuffed. Simple precautions, like highly visible caravan guards, were enough to keep most of the problems at bay.
In 1110 DR, , Year of the Bloody Fields
Kalan-G’eld was regarded as the strongest power in the Underdark, but it lacked the manpower to dominate the region.
In 1086 DR, Year of the Seer’s Fires
In the last year of his life, Quentel had seized Ang’Vor during what was to be the first of many successful Drow assaults on the Derro capital. The policy was aimed at securing Kalan-G’eld's eastern frontier by preempting Illithids designs on Derro territory.
In 1074 DR, Year of the Tightening Fist
In a couple of years House Ildorno is stablished as the Ruling House of Kalan-G’eld.
When Chael-Rekshaar fell, the Lolth’s Blades were destroyed in the chaos that consumed Chael-Rekshaar. The few survivors were hunted down in the aftermath by those enemy forces quick to claim territory and power where the empire once stood, and also by those once loyal to the empire, who blamed its greatest warriors for its destruction. Within a generation, the survivors were destroyed and all but forgotten.
It is rumored that Uhon Nerika of House Nerika, the last Lolth’s Blades, rescued a girl. Nobody knows what happened to the girl or Uhon Nerika.
An earthquake destroys the city of Chael-Rekshaar, and sorrounding caverns. Killing drow, desmonu and duergar.
In 1073 DR,Year of the Bottomless Ocean
Simultaneous uprising in the nearby caverns threatened Kalan-G’eld and the dig itself. By the end of the year, Kalan-G’eld was a “safe” place again. Thanks in part to the arrival of Quenthel Ildorno and exiles of Chael-Rekshar.
In 1072 DR, Year of the Wandering Elfmaid
The proud and powerful priestess of Lloth, Quenthel Ildorno, alone of her sister high priestesses, turned away from the fray of Chael-Rekshaar. She gathered seven families of wealth and power, telling them she was following the will of Lloth, and bade them accompany her to found a new city loyal to Lloth. They leave the city of Chael-Rekshaar.
In 1071 DR, Year of Lion’s Roar
The city of Chael-Rekshaar enters a genocidical war with many of their neighbours. The first to be attacked are Desmonu. After the Desmonu, the Duergar Kingdom of Xhitingal was attacked as well as Illitid outpost, and other underdark outposts. Now it’s clear to all Matron Queen Malice Ildorno was mad.
The Kingdom of Xhitingal was anihilated in the Battle of Blackthorne, as Dwarven and Drow forces clasch the duergar, and derro army.
In 1070 DR, Year of the Spawning
C'bogyg Cyvorak was slew under misterious circumstances. Without his sure and steady hand to ruler over the motley followers of Xhitingal.
The dwarves of the Citadel of Burok, took this opportunity to strike.
Around 1044 DR, Year of Singing Shards
The city walls of Kalan-G’eld were erected and the core structures of the City were completed.
The new Kalan-G’eld had a population of roughly 5,000 people, although the capacity of the City as it was planned was far greater.
Seldzar’ Mercenary Company, led by Elvanshalee Seldzar, held rights over any decision related to City, along with full authority over the military.
In 1036 DR, Year of the Final Test
The newly-born city Kalan-G'eld, follow the precepts of Lolth, albeit loosely, since there are no Marton Mothers to bring order.
Martial law prevails at the hands of Seldzar’ Mercenary Company.
In 1035 DR, Year of the Falling Stars
Sticking out from the broken land, a finger of pure obsidian pointed toward the sky of the cavern. Szordrin Zau’Tar and his group approached the structure as soon as they entered the cavern. The entire company felt a sense of dread as they neared the black tower. Pack animals started to kick and go mad once within a hundred feet.
No one, however, reacted the way Szordrin Zau’Tar did. His senses were bombarded with an otherworldly attack that caused him to recoil. While others could approach close to the Tower, Szordrin Zau’Tar could not get within 100 feet without feeling his head would explode. He believed it was his spellcasting ability that drew the power against him, but a wizard in the group never felt what he, a sorcerer, did. Because of his feelings of dread, Szordrin Zau’Tar ordered his followers to stay clear of the Tower. Shinzâr Jhereg, defied the order. Sneaking out under cover, Shinzâr was last seen by his servant moving toward the Tower. When he could not be found the next day, Szordrin Zau’Tar sent a small expedition closer to examine the structure. The Tower was a completely featureless black obelisk. There was no sign of Shinzâr, who was never seen again. But, from that day a golden halo ascent from the tower to the top. This marks the day and night of Kalan-G’eld. Szordrin Zau’Tar turned from the Tower and would never return to it again. He never spoke of his experience with a living soul.
He immediately started the original Kalan-G’eld settlemen, now referred to as Old City. This settlement grew slowly.
In 1030 DR, Year of the Warlords
After Chael-Rekshaar war with the Orcs of the Stonemarch, Szordrin Zau’Tar “sailed” north, intent on uncovering some secrets of the region. He found ancient scrolls that speak about the Sundered Caverns, written in an ancient script. The text hinted at a cavern of gold and magic that lay just on the Lower Underdark, as well as an ocean west of the caverns, previously untouched.
With funds running low, Szordrin Zau’Tar returned to Chael-Rekshaar again, determined to return in force.
Once again in Chael-Rekshaar, Szordrin Zau’Tar solicited funding to his house for his next adventure. He gathered the greatest scouts money could rent and set off again four years later for his fourth visit to the ancient land. He had a feeling that this would be the trip to make him famous.
He followed the directions of the scrolls through a secret pass, now known as Szordrin Zau’Tar Pass, and came upon the remains of Sem La Vah. This vast, undiscovered ancient city would be his base of operation until his disappearance in 1073 DR. He called his camp Kalan-G’eld, and it eventually grew into the city of today.
In 1024 DR, Year of Lathander’s Light
The Bloodspear War began as orcs from the Stonemarch swept across many enclaves of the Underdark were razed.
In 1000 DR, Year of the Wailing Winds
House Del’Etorian, is born in Chael-Rekshaar it's a compilation of House Kil’ani, merchant clan of Mae'ana, and elements from House Xull’d’Vharcan.
In 988 DR, Year of the Meddling Avatar
A group of dissatisfied noble houses rebelled against Matron Queen Malice, the rebellion was conducted by House Qu’ellar, House Tor'Qar, House Du'Rinbalar and House Do'Velran. House Ildorno defeated the rebels. House Du'Rinbalar flee to the Underdark. After months of traveling they attack the City of Hosuth, they conquer it and the lizardfolk becomes the slaves of the new ruling caste of Hosuth.
In 976 DR, Year of the Slaying Spells
The lizardfolk creates the city of Hosuth.
In 942 DR, Year of the Circling Vulture
The dwarven city of Angrimm, is conquered by the drow. They reamed the city Ylesh Nahei, meaning “Stolen prize”, but every other race continued to call it Angrimm, as eventually did the drow. Nahei Ylesh swear allegiance to Matron Queen Malice.
In 937 DR, Year of the Sky Raiders
No one disputes the power of the House Ildorno. Matron Queen Malice restores power of the Council but its power is only symbolic.
In 931 DR, Year of the Penitent Rogue
Talabrina Kil’ani founds the House Kil’ani.
In 863 DR, Year of the Wondrous Sea
House Ildorno was long the most powerful of Chael-Rekshaar's noble houses, and long believed that the The city should be ruled by a single queen of their house. When the other noble houses allied against the Ildorno to prevent this from happening, the Ildorno renounced the worship of the demon queen Lolth, turning instead to Orcus.
Civil war breaks out, finally leaving the house Ildorno victorious thanks to powerful artifacts that had been stolen in the past.
They become the only city leaders, Mother Matron Myrymma becomes the first Matron Queen of Chael-Rekshaar.
In 876 DR, , Year of the Toothless Skulls
Malice Ildrono slew his own mother and becomes the Second Matron Queen of Chael-Rekshaar.
In 812 DR, Year of the Gem Dragons
The forces of Chael-Rekshaar scour the wreckage in the yuan-ti city of Zannad, the city is turn to dust. The attack was led by Malice Ildorno.
In 748 DR, Year of Coin
The first House of Chael-Rekshaar, House T’lindhet suffered the fate of destruction due to treachery from within and the ambition of House Ildorno, who conquered T’lindhet and adopted several members. The surviving members become exiled and roam the Underdark for many years.
In 737 DR, Year of the Winded Hearld
Malaggar of House Ssambra challenged an alienist cult leader to single combat in the Funguswood. Both leaders died, resulting in the scattering of both armies.
In 634 DR, Year of the Darkspawn
Troglodytes have occupied Hrak Azuul, the Fungal Fortress outside Chael-Rekshaar. The Council prepares for war, but Matron Mother Myrymma Ildorno, negotiates with the troglodytes who become soldiers of Chael-Rekshaar, loyal to the Ildorno. With that move the House becomes part of the ruling Council of Chael-Rekshaar.
In 625 DR, Year of the Torrents
Refugees from Menzoberranzan arrive to Chael-Rekshaar. Seldzar, died after scattering the pursuing ogres. He became a hero and the Seldzar’ Mercenary Company began to grow in numbers.
In 621 DR, Year of the Nineteen Swords
Seldzar, a raven-haired drow, found the Seldzar’ Mercenary Company. They are a Free mercenary company that fight for the higher bidder.
In 611 DR, Year of the Normiir
The First contact between drow patrols of Chael-Rekshaar and the yuan-ti of Zannad.
Malicia Ildorno is borne, the fisrt daughter of House Ildorno.
In 600 DR, Year of Fire and Frost
Matron Mother Myrymma Ildorno with the help of the night hag Grigwartha led her coven to create the first boneclaw via a ritual that conbines ogre parts with oni souls.
In 585 DR, Year of the Ogling Beholder
Myrymma Ildorno accepts appointment to headmistress of Arach-Tinilith. House Ildorno is officially founded.
In 576 DR, Year of the Sunless Passage
The Fane of Lolth of Chael-Rekshaar was destroyed by a group of paladins. Many reputedly dark artifacts dissapear.
In 538 DR, Year of the Amethyst Axe
Myrymma Ildorno is named Senger of the Red Rock Pass Fortress, by the Council of Chael-Rekshaar. She acted as an advisor for 40 years before retiring.
In 535 DR, Year of the Upright Man
A teenager called Myrymma Ildorno joined the militia ordered to the Red Rock Pass to stop an orc invasion. Her wits enabled the militia to turn the tides of battle. After she reprimanded the local Senger, she was imprisoned. Her followers beseiged the Senger’s castle for three years, after which the Senger was killed by his own general.
In 525 DR, Year of the Cracked Bell
A mine collapses near Chael-Rekshaar. Over 3.000 miner slaves die in the disaster but a new route to Underdark is discovered.
In 495 DR, Year of Rising Fears
House Du'Brekath, exiled from Ched Nasad, founded Chael-Rekshaar.
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