martes, 20 de septiembre de 2011

Drow Gods

Eilistraee (Lesser Goddess)
Eilistraee (eel-iss-tray-yee) is the deity of good drow and those of that race who wish to be able to live on the surface in peace. A melancholy, moody deity, she is a lover of beauty and peace, but is not averse to striking back against those that would harm her followers.
The evil of most drow causes a great anger to burn within her.
The church of Eilistraee encourages drow to return to the surface world and work to promote harmony between the drow and surface races so that drow again become rightful nonevil inhabitants of Faerun. Members of the church nurture beauty, craft musical instruments, sing, and assist others in need. Clerics must be able to sing adequately, dance gracefully, and play the horn, flute, or harp.
Skill at swordplay is also encouraged, as is the ability to hunt.
Clerics of the Dark Maiden pray for spells at night, after moonrise.
Their rituals revolve around a hunt followed by a feast and dancing (wearing as little clothing as possible). Four times a year they have a High Hunt, during which they hunt a dangerous beast while wearing nothing and carrying only a single sword. Once a year they perform a Run, when they seek out unfamiliar elven communities in order to show them kindness and bring them game and assistance, thus fostering acceptance of the drow in doing so. Eilistraee's clerics often multiclass as fighters, hards, or rangers.
History/Relationships: The daughter of Corellon Larethian and Araushnee (who became Lolth), Eilistraee was banished along with the other drow deities for her (inadvertent) part in the war against the Seldarine (the elven pantheon). She insisted upon this punishment, which was dealt reluctantly by her father, because she foresaw that the dark elves would need a beacon of good within their reach.
Her allies are the Seldarine, the good deities of the Underdark races, Mystra, and Selune; her enemies are the evil deities of the Underdark, especially the rest of the drow pantheon.
Dogma: Be always kind, save in battle with evil. Encourage happiness everywhere. Learn and teach new songs, dances, and the flowing dance of skilled swordwork. Promote harmony between the races. Befriend strangers, shelter those without homes, and feed the hungry. Repay rudeness with kindness. Repay violence with swift violence so that those that cause it are swiftly dealt with. Aid drow in distress, and give them the Lady's message: "A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace and live beneath the sun again where trees and flowers grow."

Ghaunadaur (Lesser God)
Ghaunadaur (gone-ah-dowr) is unpredictable by human standards. It may aid worshipers who merely pay lip service to its rituals-even expending great power to grant permanent magical boons-but may also devour or maim 'them without warning. Ghaunadaur enjoys watching the hunting and devouring activities of large horrible monsters, and the suffering' they cause. Ghaunadaur is silent and terrible when outside the Inner Planes, but old records'tell of gibbering, bestial language spoken in the deity's great court of mingled mud and gelatin pools, Ghaunadairr only, communicates telepathically with blunt and simple communications.,
Outside a few drow and aboleth cities,the church of Ghaunadaur consists of a haqdful of scattered cults each wholly dominated by a single individual. Clerics of Ghaunadaur are to do whatever pleases Ghaunadaur best and serve the Elder Eye absolutely. Clerics of Ghaunadaur have simple duties, they are to ensure, by force or threat, that a ready supply of sacrifices reaches Ghaunadaur's altars. The god rewards them with spells and magic items for their success in this. Most of all, Ghaunadaur delights in creatures that off~r themselves to him without resistance (regardless of whether these sacrifices have been charmed or otherwise coerced by its clergy). Clerics who can bring such offerings to the Elder Eye's altars often are highly valued and favored by the deity. Clerics of Ghaunadaur ani' encouraged to become familiar with the use and manufacture of acids, poisons, and alchemist's fire.
Clerics of Ghaunadaur pray for their spells once per day at a time of imagined significance ·to the local cult. Ghaunadaur expects such prayers of adulation and praise to be accompanied by a sacrifice. If live sacrifices cannot be procured that often, the Elder Eye accepts offerings of bones and food, burned in oil, as braziers of perfumed incense are also burned. If the worshiper is unable to procure such offerings, he must pray while holding one hand in an open flame (without magical protection). In any place of worship to Ghaunadaur, all cloth furnishings and garments worn by the faithful are to be of hues pleasing to Ghaunadaur's eye, such as shades of purple, red, black, and metallic colors. Many clerics, multiclass as enchanters or fighters.
History/Relationships: Ghaunadaur is an ancient deity, said to have emerged from the primordial ooze.
Venerated by the largest slimes, oozes, ,slugs, and other crawling things, some of which are said to possess intelligence, albeit alien, Ghaunadaur struck most of them mad in a fit of fury for some transgression and stole their intellects. As a result, many of its worshipers, and most of its power, ceased to exist.' Only in recent millennia have evil beings seeking an alternative to established deities begun to worship That Which Lurks, and it is only" the veneration of drow disaffected with Lolth that places him within the drow pantheon. Ghaunadaur has no allies. He is opposed to nearly every deity with a presence in the Underdark as well as Malar and the various members of the Seldarine.
Dogma: All creatures have their place, and all are fit to wield power. Those who hunt weed out the weak and strengthen the stock of all. Those who rebel or who walk apart find new ways and try new things and do most to advance their races. Creatures of power best house the energy of life, which Ghaunadaur reveres and represents. Make sacrifices to the Eye, persuade others to sacrifice themselves to Ghaunadaur or in service of the Eye, further knowledge, and fear of Ghaunadaur, and in the end give yourself to Ghaunadaur in unresisting self-sacrifice. Convert all beings to the worship of Ghaunadaur. Slay all clergy of other faiths, plundering their temples and holdings for wealth to better your own lot and to further the worship of Ghaunadaur.

Kiaransalee (Demi Goddess)
Kiaransalee (kee-uh-ran-sa-lee) is cruel, twisted, and consumed by thoughts of vengeance. The Lady of the Dead descended into madness long ago, but she retains her twisted cunning and clear recollection of every slight or insult done to her-real or imagined. The Revenancer is powerful and swift to anger, and she schemes dark revenges against' all who have wronged her. Kiaransalee prefers the mindless company of the undead (whom she can manipulate at will) to sentient' beings capable of independent thought. She prefers to solve problems herself rather than trust someone else to do justice to her vision.
The church of Kiaransalee is organized into tightly regimented cells, but with little overall organization of the faith. Kiaransalee's clerics are secretive and usually found in small drow communities or special enclaves. They are agents' of vengeance, plotting revenge on those who have slain, harmed, or insulted the clergy in any way. They also undertake regular slaying missions to acquire corpses for animation, and take a prominent role in persecuting slaves.
Clerics of Kiaransalee pray for their spells at midnight, when the spirits are most restless in their graves. While ,each cleric performs a handful of minor -devotions to Kiaransalee every month, they venerate her on a single annual holy day-the Graverending- celebrated each Midwinter Eve. The Graverending is celebrated individually, with each cleric auimatil'lg as many undead creatures as she can. All such undead-known as the Vengeance Hunters-are consumed with thoughts of revenge against their killers and unerringly seek them out over the next 24 hours. If destroyed, a Vengeance Hunter does not rise again. Vengeance Hunters return to their graves, if possible, once 24 hours have passed since their animation or once they have exacted their revenge. Many clerics multiclass as necromancers (and a few have joined the Cult of the Dragon and become wearers of purple and most eventually transform" themselves into undead.
History/Relationships: Kiaransalee was once mortal, a powerful dark elven necromancer-queen, from another plane: She has long been an unwilling vassal of Lolth, capable of only small acts of rebellion. In recent years, Kiaransalee seized the realm of Orcus, a demon lord of the undead, and is now consumed with efforts to eliminate every last trace of Orcus in any form. Kiaransalee is loosely allied with many deities in hopes of loosening Lolth's web, in~luding Hoar, Velsharoon, Malar, and Vhaeraun. Her foes inc1ude Deep Duerra, Dumathoin, Eilistraee, Kelemvor, Laduguer, and Jergal.
Dogma: Death comes to all and cruel vengeance will be exacted on those waste' their lives on the petty concerns of this existence. True power comes only from the unquestioning servitude of the once-dead. Hunt, slay, and animate tpose who scorn the Revenancer's power, and answer any slight a thousandf old, so that all may know the coming power of Kiaransalee.

Lolth (Intermediate Goddess)

Lolth (loalth) is a cruel, capricious deity who is believed to be insane by many because she pits her own worshipers against each other. Malicious in her dealings with others and coldly vicious in a fight, she covets the power given to the deities worshiped by the surface races. She can be kind and aid those that she fancies, but she thrives on the death, destruction, and torture of anyone, including those of her own worshipers that have displeased her.
Lolth's church promotes the superiority of the Queen of Spiders over all other beings.
It is responsible for the perpetuation of the evil rumors and fear the surface elves hold for the drow and their deity.
Even Lolth's most devout clerics hate and fear her, worshiping her only for the power she grants. In most cities, her clerics control the noble houses and thus the cities themselves. Her clerics act as the rulers, police force, judges, juries, and executioners of their society.
Their cruel and capricious acts are designed to keep the citizens in fear of them and hateful of outsiders.
Clerics of Lolth pray for spells after waking from trance or before retiring to trance. Her clerics are always female. They practice monthly sacrifices of surface elves, preferring to perform them on the nights of the full moon to offend Sehanine Moonbow of the elven pantheon.
Other private church ceremonies take place behind closed doors in darkened rooms with no males present, while public ceremonies allow a mix of genders. A common ritual is the summoning of a yochlol (a servitor demon with amorphous, spider, and elven shapes) for information or physical aid. Lolth's clerics sometimes multiclass as fighters or sorcerers. Drow clerics of Lolth have cleric as their preferred class.
History/Relationships: Lolth was once Araushnee, the consort of Corellon Larethian, and bore him Eilistraee and Vhaeraun. She betrayed her lover, tried to invade Arvandor with a host of evil spirits, and was banished to the Abyss in the form of a spider demon.
She is the ruler of the drow pantheon and is allied with Loviatar and Malar. Her foes include the Seldarine (the elven pantheon), Ghaunadaur, Eilistraee, nondrow Underdark deities, and Gruumsh.
Dogma: Fear is as strong as steel, while love and respect are soft and useless. Convert or destroy nonbeliever drow. Weed out the weak and the rebellious. Destroy impugners of the faith. Sacrifice males, slaves, and those of other races who ignore the commands of Lolth or her clerics. Raise children to praise and fear Lolth; each family should produce at least one cleric to serve her. Questioning Lolth's motives or wisdom is a sin, as is aiding nondrow against the drow, or ignoring Lolth's commands for the sake of a lover. Revere arachnids of all kinds; those who kill or mistreat a spider must die.

Selvetarm (Demi God)
Selvetarm (sell-veh-tarm), cruel and malicious by nature, cares
Q1;lyfor battle and destruction. The Champion of Lolth harbors a
deep hatred for all living things, including his dominating mistress,
and the only"beauty he app>eciate is a well-honed and
deadly fighting style. Selvetarm can exhibit a great deal of
patience while waiting for prey to fall into an ambush he has' set,
but he prefers the wild abandon of battle f f<~nzyto a careful and
deliberate attack.
The church of Selvetarm barely exists as such, 'largely serving as
the military arm of the church of Lolth. Selvetarm's faithful spend
most of their days guarding fortifications and honing their fighting
skills. Many spend much of their time training other warriors in' the art of war. While the Selvetargtlin are rightly known for their skill in battle, the teachings of the faith place little emphasis on tactics or strategy and thus few members of Selvetarm's clergy achieve a high military rank.
Clerics of Selvetarm pray for their spells immediately after the first battle' of the day, or after military practice if there is no actual battle. Selvetarm's faithful are expected to observe the rituals of Lolth, as directed by her clerics. Selvetarm does expect all who take up arms in his name to cry out his name in the bloodlust of battle as they deliver the killing blow to a foe. Since there is always the chance that any attack will be a fatal one, the "Selvetargtlin tend to constantly scream out their deity's name during a battle. Many clerics multiclass as fighters or barbarians.
History/Relationships: Selvetarm is the offspring of an ill-fated, I tryst between Vhaeraun and Zandilar (now an aspect of Sharess).
He walked a solitary way for many centuries, and was nearly turned to good by Eilistraee when Lolth convinced him to battle Zanassu, a demon lord with a fondness for spiders.
When Selvetarm defeated and absorbed the demon, he was overwhelmed by Zanassu's evil and fell into Lolth's mental traps. He now serves her utterly. He is allied only with Lolth and Garagos and opposes almost every other deity.
Dogma: War is the ultimate expression of individual power, and only through battle and death can you realize the respect of your comrades. Hone your fighting skills constantly and teach those who will follow into the fray. Never give. or receive quarter, and hope to die amid the bloodlust of battle against overwhelming odds.

Vhaeraun (Lesser God)
Vhaeraun (vay-rawn) is vain, proud, and sometimes haughty. He bears grudges of legendary length and never forgets slights or deceptions. Any upderhanded means and treachery are acceptable to him if they further his aims or are done in his service-but if others so treat him or his people, it is a deep sin that cannot go unpunished.
He actively involves himself in drow affairs and can be easily convinced to send a minion to assist the work of his clerics if the proper rituals are performed and the need is genuine.
The church of Vhaeraun is loosely I organized, its adherents bound to largely autonomous cells.
Vhaeraun's clergy is nearly exclusively male and practices passiye opposition to Lolth's clerics. They are also active in the surface - world, and some preach a heresy of the unity of elven races and their need to work together "for dominion.
They specialize in intrigue, trickery, and treachery and foment disobedience and rebellion among males. In drow communities, Vhaeraun's clerics often disguise their allegiance, for obvious' reasons. Contact and marriage with other elven races is encouraged. Half-drow usually favor their drow parent, and Vhaeraun sees this inexorably raising drow numbers in surface lands. Every cleric works to establish some sort of permanent drow settlement on the surface, and either support that settlement's needs personally, or (preferably) make it self-supporting. Poison use, manufacture, and experimentation is also common. Especially effective spells, poisons, and tactics devised by a cleric are to be shared "with ,the Masked Lord and through him all clergy.
Clerics of Vhaeraun pray for their spells at dusk, before skulking into the shadows. The most important attacks, negotiations, and other activities of the clergy must occur at night.Clerics of Vhaeraun utter prayers to the Masked God of Night whenever they accomplish something to further his alms. Offerings of the wealth and weapons of those they vanquish (enemies of the drow, or regalia of female drow clerics) are to be melted in black, bowl-shaped altars. Offerings of magic and, wealth are made regularly. The more value, the more Vhaeraun is pleased, though he favors daily diligence more than rare, huge hauls. Midwinter Night, known to Vhaeraun's followers as the Masked Lord's Embrace, is the most sacred time of the year to the followers of the Masked Lord. This annual holy day is celebrated by the Masked Lord's followers with daylong introspective rituals of total sensory deprivation. Each worshiper is expected to cloak themselves in.a region of magical darkness and sit or stand at the middle of. the effect for a full 24 hours while contemplating Vhaeraun's teachings and dreaming up schemes to advance the Masked Lord's goals in the coming year. All followers of Vhaeraun who wish to perform this ritual are granted the ability to employ their darkness spell-like ability with the necessary extended duration. In the Night Above, nights of the new moon are considered sacred to his followers. Such occasions are observed with midnight stag hunts' that range over miles of shadowy woodlands. Packs' of Vhaeraun worshipers mounted on riding lizards brought up from the Underdark, run down a stag and then sacrifice its rack of antlers and still-beating heart to the Masked Lord in dark rites that pervert the ancient ways of the surface elves Many clerics multiclass as assassins, divine seekers, shadowdancers, or rogues.
History/Relationships: Vhaeraun is the son of Corellon and Araushnee (who became Lolth), brother to Eilistraee. Cast out when his and his mother's treachery was discovered, he long, for the surface world he was once free to travel. Allied with Mask, Shar, and Talona, he opposes the other Underdark gods, including his sister. His feud with Lolth is subtle, as he lacks the power to oppose her directly.
Dogma: The shadows of the Masked Lord must cast off the tyranny of the Spider Queen and forcibly reclaim their birthright and rightful place in the Night Above. The existing drow matriarchies must be smashed, and the warring practices of twisted Lolth done away with, so that the drow are welded into a united people, not a squabbling gaggle of rival-Houses, clans, and aims, Vhaeraun will lead his followers into a society where the drow once again reign supreme over the other, lesser races, and there is·equality between males and females.

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