The city of Kalan-G'eld is home, a sprawling
metropolis of 100,000 Drow and easily that many slaves.
There are a total of 8 Ruling (Noble) Houses, 12
Great Houses, 20 Intermediate Houses, 35 Lesser Houses and 201 Merchant Houses.
Ruling Houses
Hlaneld (Ruling House)
House Insignia:
Rank: 1st
Traits: Authoritarian, Zealous
Power: 15 [M (5), F (5), W (5)]
Matron Mother: Ilztzaer
Hlaneld (CE female drow Clr20/Ftr6)
Urban Mandate: Heights
Religious Affiliation: Church of
Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: Gains strong support
from House Do’Urden (#4), House Vae (#6), and House Tor Q’ar (#8), although the
greatest amount of immediate support can be received from the houseless rogues
of Seldzar’s Mercenary Company.
Enemies: No house would openly reveal enmity for House
Hlaneld, but Auvry’Zynge (#2) and House Arkenduis (#3), because of their
ranking and because neither has apparently sealed any pacts with Hlaneld, have
been closely watched by the powerful First Matron Mother.
Membership: 63
house nobles (16 high priestesses, 31 priestesses, 4 warriors, 12 wizards),
2,600 soldiers, 800 slaves (goblin 23% (500), orc 6% (150), shaturugs 11%
(250), bugbears 6% (150), Ogres 2% (50)).
House Auvry’Zynge
House Insignia:
Rank: 2nd
Traits: Authoritarian, Sadistic
Power: 12 [M (4), F (4), W (4)]
Matron Mother: Tluthhrae Auvry’Zynge (CE female drow Clr 16)
Urban Mandate: The Heights
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: Tentative agreement
with House Arkenduis (#3), since both are under House Hlaneld shadow. House Vae
Enemies: House Arkenduis (#3), quietly, and House
Hlaneld (#1), even more quietly, seem to be Auvry’Zynge principle rivals. No
other house really poses any threat to the superbly trained forces of the
second house, though they do fear a conspiracy between Do’Urden (#4), Phaarn
(#5) and Ildorno (#7). Also, House Vandree (#17) seems in line for trouble.
Membership: 40 house nobles (5 high priestesses, 17
priestesses, 12 warriors, 6 wizards), 750 soldiers, 800 slaves (goblins (500),
thri-kreen (100), shaturug (100), trolls (100)).
House Auvry’Zynge is known for its wizardry and
magic. Most of their males go on to study magic and very few in the house have
need for the blade. Their magic is reknowned throughout Kalan-G'eld and they
are openly feared by many houses. It has been whispered that minor attacks have
been waged upon the first house by certain wizards in House Auvry’Zynge.
The elderboy of House Auvry’Zynge was the
Archmage of the city.
House Arkenduis
Rank: 3rd
Traits: Duplicitous, Militaristic, Zealous
Power: 11 [M (3), F (4), W (4)]
Matron Mother: Yrr’Quevrak Arkenduis (CE female drow Clr 16/fgt
Urban Mandate: The Heights
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: Tentative
(phony) alliance with House Auvry’Zynge (#2).
Enemies: House Hlaneld (#1) has little use for the
unpredictable Arkenduis. Likewise, Matron Tluthhrae Auvry’Zynge
of the second house does not trust (simply despises) Matron Yrr’Quevrak. House
Do’Urden (#4), with a larger force, views the rank of House Arkenduis as the
most likely next step in its quest for ascension.
Membership: 23 house nobles (4 high priestesses, 9
priestesses, 5 warriors, 5 wizards), 400 drow soldiers. 500 slaves (goblins
(300), quaggots (100), bugbears (100)).
House Arkenduis is the ultimate fighting house.
With their strong males and a nice mixture of priestesses and wizards they are
a force to be reckoned with.
House Do'Urden
House Insignia:
Rank: 4th
Traits: Authoritarian, Militaristic, Zealous
Power: 10 [M (3), F (4), W (3)]
Matron Mother: Vriel Do'Urden, (CE female drow Clr 17)
Urban Mandate: Old City
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: House Do'Urden has formed a solid alliance with House Veladorn (#9)
Alliances: Strong supporter of
House Hlaneld (#1); has longstanding truce with House Phaarn (#5). House Do'Urden has formed somewhat of an alliance with
House Arkenduis (#3)
Enemies: Do’Urden covets the position of House
Arkenduis (#3); and worries about attack from Houses Vae (#6) and Ildorno (#7).
Membership: 39 house nobles (8 high priestesses, 13
priestesses, 6 warriors, 12 wizards), 800 drow soldiers. Slaves 600
(troglodytes (200), shaturug (200), thri-kreen (100), trolls (100), and packs
of displacer beasts).
House Do'Urden has formed somewhat of an
alliance with House Arkenduis (#3). They have much to fear though, with many
houses behind them wanting their position.
House Phaarn
Rank: 5th
Traits: Militaristic, Sadistic
Power: 9 [M (3), F (3), W (3)]
Matron Mother: Sinafae Phaarn (CE female drow Clr 17)
Urban Mandate: The Heights
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: Has been
known to aid the activities of House Hlaneld (#1); has longstanding truce with
House do’Urden (#4).
Enemies: The Phaarn worry most
about attack from Houses Vae (#6) and Ildorno (#7).
Membership: 11 house nobles (4 high priestesses, 1
priestesses, 2 warriors, 4 wizards), 400 drow soldiers. 400 slaves (goblins
(200), quaggoths (100), Shaturugs (100)).
The mistress of house Phaarn, Sinefae, has ruled
for only half a centurty. She was unwilling to commit to any significant
military action, and this defensive stance allowed Phaarn to come through
nearly unscathed. In the long run, however, caution is seldom the path to power
among the drow.
House Vae
Rank: 6th
Traits: Authoritarian, Militaristic, Zealous
Power: 10 [M (3), F (3), W (4)]
Matron Mother: Szinalzyr
Vae, female drow Clr7/Wiz8)
Urban Mandate: Ward of Slaves
Religious Affiliation: Church of Kiaransale (Moderate)
Alliances: Houses Hlaneld (#1)
and Auvry’Zynge (#2) are strong supportes of Vae; as long as House Vae continue
to provide the agricultural needs of the city without getting presumptuous.
Enemies: None declared.
The drow of House Vae are the nomads of drow
culture. They have few permanent settlements of their own, preferring to remain
constantly on the move. The wealthy and the Nobles of House Vae also move
frequently, abandoning one drow city and moving on to the next, as the winds of
the House’s fortunes and interests take them.
drow of House Vae are not exceptionally religious and tolerate all religions of
the drow within their society. Most of them however, are pledged to the church
of Kiaransale.
Membership: 14 house nobles (3 high priestesses, 5
priestesses, 3 warriors, 3 wizards), 250 drow soldiers. Slaves 600 (goblins (300),
quaggoth (100), bugbears 100).
House Ildorno
Rank: 7th
Traits: Authoritarian, Duplicious, Militaristic, Zealous
Power: 11 [M (4), F (4), W (3)]
Matron Mother: Matron Elauganatar female drow (Clr 23)
Urban Mandate: The Gaahr
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: House Ildorno has
pacts of alliance with all seven of the other ruling houses; it intends to
honor those with House Hlaneld (#1) and House Phaarn (#5). It has also
cultivated relatioships with many of the minor houses; however, these might be
dissolved at any moment it seemed convenient for the Ildorno interests.
Enemies: House Ildorno is envious of the position of
House Do’Urden (#4), and is working toward its destruction.
Membership: 32 house nobles (5 high priestesses, 6
priestesses, 4 warriors, 17 wizards), 350 soldiers, 200 tieflings mercenaries, 800
slaves (goblins (400), orcs (150), shaturug (250)). As well
as an unknown number of undead soldiers.
House Ildorno truly represents what is the heart of Kalan-G'eld. The
house itself is lying, cheating, backstabbing, untrustworthy, and all around nasty.
They commonly start elaborate rumors of attack or siege when nothing is
happening. They are the cause of most bad relationships between houses. They
almost started an all out riot between Auvry’Zynge and Hlaneld on one occasion.
Of course none of these wild accusations can be proved and thus there are no
real causes to attack House Ildorno.
House Tor’Qar
Rank: 8th
Traits: Duplicitous, Zealous
Power: 11 [M (3), F (4), W (4)]
Matron Mother: Gahnah Tor'Qar (CE female drow Clr 14)
Urban Mandate: Old City
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: House Tor’Qar is
allied with House Hlaneld (#1), but is recognized for lackey potential by
Houses #1-7.
Enemies: As the eight house, Tor’Qar fears attacks from
many lower ranking houses who desire a position on the council. Most
particularly, House Veladorn (#9)
is perceived as a threat.
Membership: 14 house nobles (3 high priestesses, 5
priestesses, 3 warriors, 3 wizards), 320 drow soldiers. 400 slaves (goblins
(200), shaturug (100), bugbears (100)).
Under the
rule of mistress Tluthhrae, House Tor’Qar has grown from the weakest of the
drow houses to its current position near the top of the social structure.
choice to ally with house Hlaneld has proven very advantageous.
The strategy
of mistress Gahnah during the civil war was to commit all the resources of
Tor’Qar to house Hlaneld, while still proclaiming loyalty to the Fane of Lolth.
The result was that Tor’Qar gained nothing politically, while at the same time
losing nearly everything in its estate. Since the end of the conflict, the
house has continued to lose status. Tor’Qar now has very little left to offer
any potential allies, and its lowly position is quite properly blamed on the
poor leadership of mistress Gahnah.
House Veladorn
Rank: 9h
Traits: Authoritarian, Militaristic
Power: 6 [M (4), F (1), W (1)]
Mother: Zaknafein Veladorn, (CE male drow Clr 14)
Mandate: The Heights
Affiliation: Church of Vhaerun (Strong)
Alliances: House Veladorn has formed a solid alliance with House Do'Urden (#4)
Enemies: House Veladorn attracts the interest of many lower ranking houses
including House Dhuunyl (#10) and House Zaphresz (#11)
46 house nobles (15 priests, 11 priestesses, 10 warriors, 10 wizards), 500
soldiers. Slaves 1500 (shaturug (1500)).
Veladorn is patriarchal in nature and places a premium not on gender alone, but
rather on power; all Drow must earn their position through savvy, skill, and
strength. No longer will Drow within this House hold ranks through mere
tradition. While Veladron has numerous allies of other races, only Drow may
become members of the House.
House Dhuunyl
Rank: 10th
Traits: Secretive, Zealous
Power: 9 [M (2), F (4), W (3)]
Mother: Nhilriina Dhuunyl, (CE female drow Clr 13)
Mandate: Old city
Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: House Dhuunyl is known to be weak, and thus no other
house is willing to recognize an alliance with it. But they survive the civil
Enemies: House Dhuunyl is one of the chief plotters against House Claddath(#8).
15 house nobles (2 High priests, 8 priestesses, 1 warriors, 4 wizards), 200
drow soldiers. Slaves 400.
The House is currently ranked 10th in the city of Kalan-G’eld.
Though for how long they stay where they are no one knows. Mother Lloth be
praised for her Favor on the House as it reaches out to pull down yet another
house standing in it's way.
The Matron has made no allies yet sine she doesn't even trust her own
shadow to not shove a dagger between her shoulder blades.
Nobody know
how they survived the Civil War, strong houses have fallen.
ancient house claims to be as old as House Ildorno, and none have ever disputed
it (it was apparently formed by a high priestess when the city was founded).
The house makes money from taverns, games (especially gladiatorial events), and
House Zaphresz
Rank: 11th
Traits: Autoritatian, Militaristic
Power: 12 [M (5), F (3), W (4)]
Mother: Shaktii Zaphresz, (CE female drow Clr 13)
Mandate: Outside the City
Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Moderate)
Alliances: House Zaphersz has formed a solid alliance with House
Srune (#12).
Enemies: Because of its numerous troops, House Zaphersz fears no house beneath
its station; it has many offensive desires, including attacks againt House
Tor’Qar (#8), and House Dhuunyl (#10)
16 house nobles (4 High priests, 5 priestesses, 2 warriors, 5 wizards), 700
drow soldiers. Slaves 2600.
most Houses in Kalan-G’eld, Zaphersz is located outside the city proper. It
rests in the dark caves that lead deeper into the Underdark. As a result, the
house is greatly responsible for protecting Kalan-G’eld from the lurking
dangers of their subterranean home.
warriors lead the parties that guard the city. With few wizards, and few
clerics, the house relies on its brute strength; its warriors far larger than
the average dark elf. As a result of this, its goals are twofold. Like all drow
houses it seeks the highest possible level of power within the city. But it has
always been tempered by the responsiblity it has to protect Kalan-G’eld. For
there lies its true power - few houses would want to eliminate the warriors,
for without Zaphersz their own warriors would be needed and their own houses
House Srune
Rank: 12th
Traits: Duplicious, Militaristic
Power: 7 [M (3), F (2), W (2)]
Mother: Nizzre'tyne Srune, (CE female drow Clr 13)
Mandate: Old City
Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Weak)
Alliances: Srune has tried to form several alliances recently,
including a bond with House do’Urden (#4), and House Zaphresz (#11). None of
these initiatives has met with success. The Srune have accepted peace
initiatives from House Ildorno (#7), but have been rightfully suspicious of
their sincerity.
Enemies: Srune attracts the interest of many ambitious, lower-ranking houses,
including Hyluan (#14) and Ssambra (#15). The house is cautiosly going along
with House Ildorno (#7) with plans to strike against House Phaarn (#5).
14 house nobles (3 High priests, 4 priestesses, 2 warriors, 5 wizards), 250
drow soldiers, 400 grimlocks
house under the command of Nizzre'tyne. Moved from the drow city of Ched Nasad
to Kalan-G’eld.
considers the Surface simply a place to gather slaves, gladiators and
all, whom in their right mind would want to leave the beautiful, cool caverns?
House Crannov
Rank: 13th
Traits: Militaristic, Secretive
Power: 7 [M (3), F (2), W (2)]
Mother: Neerintra Crannov, (CE female drow Clr 13)
Mandate: The Bazaar (The Rift)
Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Weak)
Alliances: House Crannov has long had a cooperative relationship
with House Hyluan (#14)
Enemies: The house is one of the chief plotters against House Dhuunyl (#10) –
though that fact is not known to the Dhuunyl.
20 house nobles (3 High priests, 5 priestesses, 6 warriors, 6 wizards), 600
drow soldiers, 100 slaves.
House Crannov
give a home to the many Drow outcasts who have been shunned, exiled, or fled
from the Underdark. This includes Drow half-breeds, Vampiric and shatúrug,
survivors of destroyed houses, and those of strange pigmentation or deformity.
Due to the harsh nature of these people's lives, most are very motivated to
achieve power out of necessity and are not to be taken lightly. This house has
risen against odds to become a force to reckon with within the Underdark. They
wish more to be feared and respected than to rule.
House Hyluan
Rank: 14th
Traits: Avaricious, Militaristic
Power: 7 [M (2), F (2), W (3)]
Mother: Brizymma Hyluan, (CE female drow Clr 13)
Mandate: Old City
Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Weak)
Alliances: House Hyluan has a cooperative relationship with
House Crannov (#13)
Enemies: House Hyluan is a secret plotter against House Tor’Qar (#8).
15 house nobles (3 High priests, 5 priestesses, 1 warriors, 6 wizards), 250
drow soldiers, 300 slaves
This young house is stronger than its size suggests (and is ranked accordingly) because its drow troops are all lizard mounted. Not surprisingly, much of its wealth comes from lizard and rothe breeding.
House Ssambra
Rank: 15th
Traits: Avaricious, Militaristic
Power: 7 [M (2), F (2), W (3)]
Mother: Vlondril Ssambra, (CE female drow Clr 13)
Mandate: Old City
Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Weak), Kiaransalee, and
Alliances: This house has no formal alliances, but his role as
moneylender insures that its can exert pressure on most any other house.
Enemies: House Ssambra desires to execute an attack against House Srune (#12).
21 house nobles (3 High priests, 5 priestesses, 7 warriors, 6 wizards), 150
drow soldiers, 200 slaves.
Ssambra is a Drow noble house formerly from Chael-Rekshaar.
They are
known for their mages, particularly the female ones. It is also well known by
surfacers for its frequent and brutal raids. Ssambra is also known to work with
other factions against a common rival.
the Civil War they destroy House Del'Etorian.
House Del’Sundin
Rank: 16th
Traits: Avaricious, Hedonistic
Power: 6 [M (2), F (1), W (3)]
Mother: Malista Del'Sundin, (CE female drow Clr 15)
Mandate: Old City
Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Weak)
Alliances: House Undraeth (#17).
Enemies: House Ssambra desires to execute an attack against House Srune (#12).
21 house nobles (3 High priests, 5 priestesses, 7 warriors, 6 wizards), 200
drow soldiers, 400 slaves.
purpose is dealings with the above races of the surface and those races of the
underdark. Primarily merchants, they are excellent fighters and mages but have
few clerics. One of few houses that has male clerics of Lloth standing amongst
its ranks.
House Undraeth
Rank: 17th
Traits: Autoritatian, Avaricious
Power: 5 [M (2), F (1), W (2)]
Mother: Min’haszak Undraeth, (CE female drow Fgt 12)
Mandate: Old City
Affiliation: Church of Vhaeraun (Moderate)
Alliances: House
Del'Sundin is their only allied, House Undraeth is a off branch of House
Enemies: House Che’Z’Kith (#21) desires to execute an attack against House
Undraeth (#18).
6 house nobles (0 High priests, 0 priestesses, 3 warriors, 3 wizards), 200
drow soldiers, 400 slaves.
Thought large in number it will never attain true power, for its primary clerics are male. Most females of the house have no clerical apptitude, meaning they can not use clerical magic. Instead they go on to becoming fighters, wizards and assasins.
primary goal is to bring up their ranks of High Priestess's, threw breeding,
all males with clerical status are welcomed and bred as long as they prove
themselves, none how ever have left the house. Thought allies of House
Del'Sundin, they wish to seperate themselves from their former house
completely, if not destroy them someday.
house is best known for the blend of 'shrommberry wine that it produces. The
house is also involved in brewing, fungus farming, and alchemical pursuits
(developing new drugs, poisons, and potions).
House Nepharkin
Rank: 18th
Traits: Avaricious, Zealous
Power: 9 [M (2), F (4), W (3)]
Mother: Etheisstra Nepharkin, (CE female drow Fgt 12)
Mandate: The Bazaar (Underwall Ward)
Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: House
Del'Sundin is their only ally, House Undraeth is a off branch of House
Enemies: House Che’Z’Kith desires to execute an attack against House Undraeth (#17).
17 house nobles (4 High priests, 5 priestesses, 6 warriors, 2 wizards), 150
drow soldiers, 200 slaves.
Nepharkin is a House originally from Ched Nassad. It has moved to the area for
some reason.
house deals in glassware, glass-blowing, and other glass work. They are known
to be able to provide any number of specialties such as leaded glass, glassteel,
and so on. They are famed for their "glass swords". The house has
reportedly recently discovered a sand pit in the dark dominion that will
provide them with exceptionally fine sand for their work.
House Rilyntel
Rank: 19th
Traits: Autoritarian, Zealous
Power: 8 [M (1), F (4), W (3)]
Mother: Etheannajss Rilyntel, (CE female drow Fgt 12)
Mandate: The Bazaar (Underwall Ward)
Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: This house has no formal alliances, but his role as
moneylender insures that its can exert pressure on most any other house.
Enemies: House Rilyntel desires to execute an attack against House Srune (#12).
18 house nobles (4 High priests, 6 priestesses, 6 warriors, 2 wizards), 120
drow soldiers, 150 slaves.
Rilyntel only wants to restore the power of Lolth and gain her favor in all
things, regardless of the cost. They openly stand against any of the
non-traditional Houses and wish nothing more than for all males to once again
bow at their feet in fear of their Priestess power.
House Che'Z'Kith
Rank: 20th
Traits: Autoritarian, Militaristic, Zealous
Power: 9 [M (3), F (4), W (2)]
Mother: Nadallas Che’Z’Kith (CE female drow Clr 15)
Mandate: The Bazaar (Underwall Ward)
Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: House Che’Z’Kith is a major crony of House
Auvry’Zynge, the second House of Kalan-G’eld. The house also has good ties with
House Arkenduis (#3) and several other houses that waste no love on House
Enemies: House Che’Z’Kith has contributed much to the rivalry with House
Cadryenne (#25). Now that rivalry has come to a head, and when it passes only
one of the two will remain. House Che’Z’Kith desires to execute an attack
against House Undraeth (#17).
18 house nobles (3 High priests, 5 priestesses, 5 warriors, 5 wizards), 200
drow soldiers, 400 slaves.
House Che'Z'Kith has a bloody violent past. Clawing their way up every
step of the way, not caring who they have to dispose of to get there. They are
ruled by a venemous Matron who desires nothing more than to see her House reach
it's full potential. There have been many strong females to sit atop the throne
of this House. Each generation born boasts new strength. The females of this
house vary in rank and or station. From High Priestess to Trained fighter.
At one point they thought there was no hope of their surviving a
devistating attack from a lesser house, they had seriously underestimated the
young house and her Matron. Taking humiliating losses they managed to scrape
what they needed together to move on.
Trading had been slow for them for a while, soon enough it flurished once
more. Wealth from the surface came down with each passing shipment. The other
Merchant Houses soon found out this house was a forced to be reckoned with and
after a time they resorted to more devious tactics to gain the cargo or steal
the wealth marked for house Che'Z'Kith.
the Matron would rather see trade stretch throughout the Underdark, she will
for now be satisfied with the lesser races of the surface. Her caravans come
and go daily, but never without armed escort. The Underdark may be full of
nasty creatures, but what creature is more feirce or cunning then a Drow.
House T'lindhet
Rank: 21th
Traits: Sadistic, Secretive
Power: 4 [M (2), F (1), W (1)]
Mother: Baewyss T'lindhet (CE female drow Clr 12)
Mandate: The Bazaar (Underwall Ward)
Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Weak)
Alliances: This house has no formal alliances, but his role as
moneylender insures that its can exert pressure on most any other house.
Enemies: Traditional enemy of House Ildorno (#7).
T’lindhet was a drow noble house in Chael-Rekshaar, even being the leading
House for a long period of time. They suffered the fate of destruction due to
treachery from within and the ambition of house Ildorno, who conquered
T’lindhet and adopted several members.
As a drow
house worshipping Lolth, T’lindhet has certain charasteristics every such a
house shares. T’lindhet, "The Sisters of Magic", specialized in the
arcane. Often had the Ul'faruk of Kalan-G’eld been of T’lindhet, and the house
has sponsored mages specifically through its existance. The house also has a
close interaction with the city's pleasure houses, providing them with oils and
perfumes made by the T’lindhet mages.
House Zerrinath
Rank: 22th
Traits: Avaricious Sadistic
Power: 7 [M (2), F (2), W (3)]
Mother: Dravanna Zerrinath (CE female drow Clr 12)
Mandate: Old City
Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Weak)
Alliances: This house has no formal alliances, but his role as
moneylender insures that its can exert pressure on most any other house.
Enemies: House Ssambra desires to execute an attack against House T'lindhet (#21).
17 house nobles (3 High priests, 4 priestesses, 2 warriors, 3 wizards), 150
drow soldiers, 100 minotaurs, 400 slaves.
Matron Mother Dravanna Zerrinath, is a warlord and slave-wrangler. House Zerrinath primary source of money is slavery.
backstory is that she manages many of the non-drow guards of the house. Matron
Mother Dravanna has only one eye, and some horrible scarring. Specifically,
female drow have a higher social ranking than male drow.
Bjorkus, minotaur fighter ("magically bound into servitude") a
sort of muscle bound gladiator that acts as Dravanna's 'pet' and bodyguard.
Tebrynn, male
drow assassin. Tebrynn is a younger male character who has become something of
a favorite amongst the high-ranking priestesses.
Lady Cyntelle,
female drow cleric. Female drow priestesses have the highest rank in drow
society, and Lady Cyntelle is meant to be a "middle aged" and sweet
motherly type on the outside who is actually cruel and dangerous.
For Dravanna,
there's the obvious relationship with her "pet minotaur".
House Sorethin
Rank: 23th
Traits: Avaricious, Hedonistic
Power: 5 [M (2), F (1), W (2)]
Mother: Aunrae Sorethin (CE female drow Clr 12)
Mandate: The Bazaar (Underwall Ward)
Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Weak)
Alliances: House Sorethin known to be weak, and thus no other house is willing to
recognize an alliance with it.
Enemies: As the 23th house, Sorethin fears attack from many lower-
ranking houses, most particularly House Cadryenne (#25).
12 house nobles (2 High priests, 3 priestesses, 4 warriors, 3 wizards), 170
drow soldiers, 300 slaves.
Sorethin a relatively new house, having arisen within the last millennium.
Its original strength came from trade, and that still forms the basis of
Sorethin’s power. The clan is willing to send expeditions, into the far reaches
of the Underdark, even trading with distant drow communities. (Indeed, one of
the clan priestesses was brought to Kalan-G’eld from distant Ched Nasad.)
House Cadryenne
House Insignia:
Rank: 24th
Traits: Authoritarian, Avaricious, Zealous
Power: 9 [M (2), F (4), W (3)]
Mother: Laurossil Cadryenne, (CE female drow Clr 12)
Mandate: The Bazaar (Underwall Ward)
Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: House Hlaneld (#1) is House Cadryenne chief sponsor. House Qu’ellar (#31)
Enemies: House Che’Z’Kith (#20), and House Sorethin (#23)
18 house nobles (3 high priestesses, 6 priestesses, 6 warriors, 3 wizards),
200 drow soldiers, 200 gnolls, 150 shaturug. 100 chitine, 1 Drider (Sinafae)
In the
year 1362 DR, House Cadryenne is the twenty-eight house of Kalan-G’eld rigid
hierarchy of Social station. It has been a loyal servant of House Hlaneld in
the past. Because of this, the members of the house shall be given the chance
to prove their courage and skill – and if they do so successfully, they will
gain the opportunity for significant advancement of their station.
Cadryenne is entrusted with Lloth's silks; weavers and spinners, makers of
clothing and tapestries.
Cadyenne has been a long standing (300 + years) rival of House Che’Z’Kith (#20),
but in recent years they have attracted the enmity of House Sorethin (#23)
House Lil Valdrin
Rank: 25th
Traits: Militaristic, Zealous
Power: 9 [M (3), F (4), W (2)]
Mother: Mat’Vae Lil Valdrin, (CE female drow Clr 18)
Mandate: Old City
Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: House Lil Valdrinhas are working on a solid alliance with House Xierchien
Enemies: Because of its numerous trops, House Lil Valdrin fear no house beneath its
sation; it has many offensive desires, including attacks against House Sorethin
(#24) and House Cadryenne (#24)
Membership: 25 house nobles (6 high priestesses, 10 priestesses, 7 warriors, 2
wizards), 300 drow soldiers, 150 slaves
House Lil
Valdrin is a Llothite house that was lead by Mat’Vae Lil Valdrin, who was the
longest-standing matron in Kalan-G’eld thus far. The main focus and goals of
the house is public relations and internal affairs. In addition, the house has
a well-organized military unit, and the organization of raids and city events
are prevalent.