viernes, 31 de mayo de 2013

Organizations of Kalan-G'eld - Academy Necromica

Academy Necromica
Traits: Autohritarian, Secretive
Power: 7 (M 1, F 3, W 3)
Membership: Approximately 100 members of various races
Headquarters: The Skull
Religious Affiliation: Church of Kiaransalee (Moderate) or Velsharoon (Weak)
Leadership: Shriavin Xunqualyn
Allies: The Ruling Council of Kalan-G'eld, House Xierchien
Rivals: Arach-Tinilith
Academy Necromica was founded nearly 150 years ago by the necromancer Shriavin Xunqualyn, who sought to establish a place where like-minded individuals could come together and share secrets of the dark arts. Over the next two decades, Master Shriavin Xunqualyn slowly built up the organization, offering membership to carefully handpicked individuals who respected (or worshiped) death and undeath. Soon her academy boasted a cadre of necromancers, evil priests, and professional killers.
Eventually, during the Time of Troubles (1358 DR), the academy was attacked by a group of surface adventurer's. Most of the Necromicans (as the academy’s members often called themselves) were destroyed, and Shriavin Xunqualyn herself was at death’s door when loyal minions spirited her away.
From the ashes of Academy Necromica’s worst failure came its first great success. Unable to repair Master Shriavin Xunqualyn ’s horribly broken body, her fellow necromancers instead performed an unspeakable process upon her, transforming her into a lich. With her newfound lease on unlife, Shriavin Xunqualyn swore vengeance upon her enemies. As an undead creature, she understood well that patience was her best ally. Over the next years she quietly rebuilt Academy Necromica into a secret but powerful organization dedicated to death and evil. Now the time to strike back at her old enemies approaches, yet still she hesitates, fearing the possibility of another setback.

Academy Affiation
All things have a purpose, even if it is not immediately obvious. Through knowledge and understanding, we master the world around us. Without this understanding, efforts are unfocused and time is wasted. Your life serves as an example of such wasted effort. Perhaps in death we can find the purpose that eluded you.
The Academy Necromica exists to study death. To this end, they have perfected their art in all of its forms: everything from natural death and carefully planned assassinations, to wholesale slaughter and decimation. Death in all of its forms serves to bring greater power to the Necromican's. And those who excel at it curry greater favor. Non-evil members are a bit more discerning. They believe that death comes to all things in time; it need not be hastened.

The study of death includes the exploration of undeath. Both are seen as alternative forms of existence. While death is natural and the right of all living things, non-evil followers believe undeath is something that very few are truly worthy of earning. Mindless undead in particular are viewed in a mixed light, controlled undead serve a purpose, and uncontrolled undead are not viewed positively. More often than not, uncontrolled undead are corralled, studied, and, in many cases, destroyed.

The non-evil members of the Academy, who believe that where living things are concerned, life ends naturally, rarely feel the need to hasten this process. They feel that mindless undead, however, are far too random and disruptive. They may seek out infestations of undead from which to learn and then they eventually eliminate them. They keep their true motives secret, though, and allow others to see their actions in whatever light they so choose. It makes no difference to the Academy Necromica as long as they are allowed to operate unmolested.

One thing all the sects have in common is patience. The Academy Necromica takes the long view, and it attempts to predict how specific actions will achieve the maximum effect. Death is inevitable, so it is always best to wait for the right place and time. It is not unheard of for members of this dark cult to wait years (in some cases decades or even centuries) to see the culmination of a carefully laid plain. The few individuals who are aware of this group attribute their patience to the fact that many of the followers of Necromican's are undead, but even the living members tend to have the implacable patience of their un-living brethren.
While warriors and assassins sometimes find their way into the ranks, spellcasters (both arcane and divine) join the Academy Necromica far more frequently. More prominent members are often necromancers of one sort or another. Most members often style themselves as "students of death." Many lead innocuous lives, hidden in plain sight while waiting for the right opportunity or circumstances to arrive. Less common are those who seek to eradicate or control the various plagues of mindless undead.
Enemies and Allies: The Necromican's tend to be self-reliant and extremely suspicious of others, even their own peers. Many count the undead followers subject to their will as the only allies they can rely on. Most intelligent beings fear Necromican's and his followers (rightly so) and actively shun a follower's presence if they are aware of her true affiliation. Most members of the Academy Necromica are content to let the masses remain ignorant of their affiliation, especially if it gives them the opportunity to learn or teach about death.
Members: Only the lower and mid-ranked individuals are still likely to be counted among the living. Living followers often serve as spies who infiltrate various organizations and relay information back to their masters, both living and otherwise. Higher-ranked individuals often surround themselves with various forms of undead minions who are usually more resilient, reliable, and, most importantly, easily replicable.

Affiliation Score Criteria: None.

Worth Modifiers
Become an inteligent Undead.
Graduate from Academy.
Become a high priest of Kiaransalee.
Become Academy Necromancer.
Create a new spell or prayer.
High Priest of Velsharoon.
Create Inteligent Undead.
Arcane Class Related or Priest.
Gains control of undead (intelligent) and maintains control for at least one month.
Control Inteligent Undead.
Knowledge (religion) 10+
Create minor Undead.
Has knowledge of one of the following domains: Death, Evil, Undeath.
Specialized in the necromancy school of magic.
Evil alignment.
Character level.
Knowledge (religion) 5+
Currently controls an undead retinue.
Has an undead ally/familiar.
Gains control of undead (unintelligent) and maintains control for at least one month
Prevents a creature from dying (-1 per HD).
Abandons necromancy school of magic.
Prevents an intelligent humanoid from dying (-2 per HD).
Display a weak emotion (love, kindness).
Show mercy.
Is willing to be brought back to life.
Brings a dead humanoid or intelligent being back to life (includes wish and miracle spells).

Titles, Benefits, and Duties: The rank of reaper is reserved only for those who have demonstrated the highest dedication to the will and intent of their master: They must either possess an undead template or levels in a necromantic class or prestige class to attain this rank.

Tier 0: Member
You have done little to prove your worth. The Academy gives you standard equipment to perform your duties. Your accommodations are spartan and severe.
Must contribute six-tenths of all adventuring/mercantile profits to the Academy and undertake whatever tasks or quests the Academy demands.

Tier 1 : Aspirant
You’re not completely without value in the eyes of the Academy mistresses. You have some level of authority and can command lesser drow of the Academy. The Academy gives you quality items to perform your duties. Your accommodations are drab but not uncomfortable.
Benefit: Once per week, you can ask a sage, a spy, or other appropriate informant one question. The information you receive will be accurate, although potentially incomplete.
Can call on the Academy for assistance with endeavors that directly benefit the Academy.
Assistance will be spells and equipment equal to one-tenth of the total equipment value for your level.
Must contribute four-tenths of all adventuring/mercantile profits to the Academy and undertake whatever tasks or quests the Academy demands.

Tier 2: Scribe
You are a promising member of your Academy. Higher-ranking drow will consider you for minor leadership positions and might include you in their many plots. Your Academy provides you with high-quality equipment to perform your duties. Your accommodations are comfortable but not lavish.
Benefit: Gain a +4 bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks made regarding undead.
Can call on the Academy for assistance with any endeavors. Assistance in Academy quests will be spells and equipment equal to one quarter of the total equipment value for your level, or up to one-tenth total value on personal quests. Must contribute three-tenths of all adventuring/mercantile profits to the Academy and undertake whatever tasks or quests the Academy demands.

Tier 3: Printer
Your worth is noted by all within the Academy. The Academy masters will consider you for significant leadership positions and for inclusion in their schemes. At the same time, your competence marks you as a rival to be watched or eliminated by other leaders. Your Academy grants you superior and possibly magical items to perform your duties. Your accommodations are pleasant and relatively spacious, but not private.
Benefit: Gains a +2 bonus on saves to resist the special attacks of undead creatures.
Can call on the Academy for assistance with any endeavors. Assistance will be equal to one-quarter of the total equipment value for your level. Must contribute two-tenths of all adventuring/mercantile profits to the Academy and undertake whatever tasks or quests the house demands.

Tier 4: Binder
Your worth to the Academy is without question. The Master of the academy will consider you for a primary Academy position, such as high priest, or Academy wizard. You are a major player in all Academy intrigue, and you play for high stakes, up to and including your life. Your equipment is among the best the Academy has to offer. Your accommodations are large, elaborately furnished, and private.
Benefit: Once per day, create undead as per the animate dead spell, with a caster level equal to half your character level. No material component required. Undead created in this manner last only 8 hours before falling inert.
Can call on the house for assistance with any endeavors. Assistance will be equal to one-quarter of the total equipment value for your level.
Must contribute one-tenths of all adventuring/mercantile profits to the house and undertake whatever tasks or quests the house demands.

Tier 5: Reaper
You are the ultimate authority in the Academy. All others members in the Academy bow before your power and worth. If you are not the Master of the Academy, then you are the power behind her throne.
You have access to any equipment the Academy possesses. Your accommodations are the best in the Academy.
Benefit: Once per day, call upon a dread wraith to serve you for up to an hour. At the end of the service (or if it is destroyed) the dread wraith dissipates. This dread wraith cannot create spawn.
Can call on the Academy for assistance with any endeavors. Assistance will be equal to one-quarter of the total equipment value for your level.
The Academy no longer demands tasks of you, but you should still work on its behalf to keep its strength and yours at its peak.

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

Houses of Kalan-G’eld (1363 DR)

The city of Kalan-G'eld is home, a sprawling metropolis of 100,000 Drow and easily that many slaves.
There are a total of 8 Ruling (Noble) Houses, 12 Great Houses, 20 Intermediate Houses, 35 Lesser Houses and 201 Merchant Houses.
Ruling Houses
House Ildorno
Rank: 1st
Traits: Authoritarian, Duplicious, Militaristic, Zealous
Power: 11 [M (4), F (4), W (3)]
Matron Mother: Matron Elauganatar female drow (Clr 23)
Urban Mandate: The Gaahr
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Allies: House Zauviir(#4), House Arkenduis (#5)
Rivals: House Hlaneld (#2), Auvry’Zynge (#3)
Membership: 32 house nobles (5 high priestesses, 6 priestesses, 4 warriors, 17 wizards), 1,000 soldiers, 1,100 slaves (goblins (600), orc (150), shaturug (250), bugbear (100)).

The most powerful noble house and ancient in the city, House Ildorno dominates its trade, politics, military (its forces are reputed to be able to match any other 5 nobles houses combined), and even the schools (with the heads of both Sorcere and Arach Tinilith members of the house).

House Hlaneld
Rank: 2nd
Traits: Authoritarian, Zealous
Power: 12 [M (3), F (5), W (4)]
Matron Mother: Ilztzaer Hlaneld (CE female drow Clr16/Ftr6)
Urban Mandate: The Heights
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: House Tor'Qar (#6) Tentative agreement with House Auvry'Zynge (#3).
Enemies: House Auvry'Zynge (#3), quietly and House Ildorno (#1)
Membership: 38 house nobles (6 high priestesses, 22 priestesses, 4 warriors, 6 wizards),450 soldiers, 600 slaves (goblin (462), orc (36), shaturugs (66), bugbears (32), Ogres (12)).

House Hlaneld is a well respected and well-admired house among the city of Kalan-G'eld. No house openly reveals enmity towards the house and many have no qualms with Ilztzaer anyway. Ilztzaer is a charmer and she picks up allies like she would pick up a spider. Ilztzaer is the closest to the Spider Queen of all the Matron Mothers and has gained her approval ten times fold.

House Auvry’Zynge (Ruling House)
Rank: 3rd
Traits: Authoritarian, Sadistic
Power: 12 [M (4), F (4), W (4)]
Matron Mother: Tluthhrae Auvry’Zynge (CE female drow Clr 16)
Urban Mandate: The Heights
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: Strong supoerter of House Ildorno (#1), has longstanding truce with House Arkenduis (#5)
Enemies: House Auvry’Zynge covets position of House Hlaneld (#2); and worries most paranoically about attack from House Tor'Qar (#6) and Phaarn (#7)
Membership: 40 house nobles (5 high priestesses, 17 priestesses, 12 warriors, 6 wizards), 750 soldiers, 800 slaves (goblins (500), thri-kreen (100), shaturug (100), trolls (100)).

House Auvry’Zynge is known for its wizardry and magic. Most of their males go on to study magic and very few in the house have need for the blade. Their magic is reknowned throughout Kalan-G'eld and they are openly feared by many houses. It has been whispered that minor attacks have been waged upon the first house by certain wizards in House Auvry’Zynge.
The elderboy of House Auvry’Zynge is the the Archmage of the city. He dwells at the Academy and constantly strives for ways his house can excel.

House Zauviir
Rank: 4th
Traits: Authoritarian, Secretive
Power: 11 [M (3), F (4), W (4)]
Matron Mother: Shi'nvyll Zauviir (CE female drow Clr 15)
Urban Mandate: The Heights
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: Has been known to aid the activities of House Ildorno (#1).
Enemies: House Zauviir worries most paranoically about attack from Arkenduis (#5) and House Tor'Qar (#6)
Membership: 36 house nobles (5 high priestesses, 9 priestesses, 1 warriors, 21 wizards), 250 drow soldiers, 500 slaves (goblins (300), shaturug (100), bugbears (100)).

The members of the 4th House of Kalan-G’eld are known as paranoid recluses. They always travel wearing a veil and concealing robe that hides both identity and gender. Several of the masters of Sorcere are members of this house and they can be hired to arbitrate business and house disputes.
House Zauviir is well known for the quality of its unit of female priestesses and Inquisitors of Lloth (estimated at about 40 troops).

House Arkenduis
Rank: 5th
Traits: Duplicitous, Militaristic, Zealous
Power: 11 [M (3), F (4), W (4)]
Matron Mother: Yrr’Quevrak Arkenduis (CE female drow Clr 15/fgt 5)
Urban Mandate: The Heights
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: Supporter of House Ildorno (#1); Has lonstanding truce with House Tor'Qar (#6)
Enemies: House Arkenduis covets the position of House Zauviir (#4); it tries to remain ready for an attack from any quarter.
Membership: 23 house nobles (4 high priestesses, 9 priestesses, 5 warriors, 5 wizards), 400 drow soldiers. 500 slaves (goblins (300), quaggots (100), bugbears (100)).

Arkenduis, the fifth house of the city is, in a drow’s twisted perception of time, just a newborn babe. How they came to achieve their ranking is shrouded in suspicion and envy, but no one has yet to experess their feelings openly.
House Arkenduis is the ultimate fighting house. With their strong males and a nice mixture of priestesses and wizards they are a force to be reckoned with.

House Tor’Qar
Rank: 6th
Traits: Duplicitous, Zealous
Power: 11 [M (3), F (4), W (4)]
Matron Mother: Tlunthhrae Tor'Qar (CE female drow Clr 15)
Urban Mandate: Old City
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: Supporter of House Hlaneld (#2); Has lonstanding truce with House Tor'Qar (#6)
Enemies: House Tor'Qar is envious of the position of House Zauviir (#4), and is working toward its destruction.
Membership: 14 house nobles (3 high priestesses, 5 priestesses, 3 warriors, 3 wizards), 300 drow soldiers. 400 slaves (goblins (200), shaturug (100), bugbears (100)).

Under the rule of mistress Tluthhrae, House Tor’Qar has grown from the weakest of the drow houses to its current position near the top of the social structure.
Tluthhrae’s choice to ally with house Hlaneld has proven very advantageous, as have the close relationships she has maintained with adventuring bands in the Underdark. Of all the nobles, Tluthhrae has the most extensive spy network in Kalan-G’eld. Her agents report to her on the activities of visitors whom she might find useful.

House Phaarn
Rank: 7th
Traits: Militaristic, Sadistic
Power: 9 [M (3), F (3), W (3)]
Matron Mother: Sinafae Phaarn (CE female drow Clr 17)
Urban Mandate: The Heights
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: Supporter of House Ildorno (#1), House Zaphresz (#13)
Enemies: House Phaarn has practiced fawning adulation for the houses of higher status; it has no formal alliance, but is recognized for lackey potencial by Houses #1-6
Membership: 11 house nobles (4 high priestesses, 1 priestesses, 2 warriors, 4 wizards), 400 drow soldiers. 400 slaves (goblins (200), quaggoths (100), Shaturugs (100)).

The mistress of house Phaarn, Sinefae, has ruled for only half a centurty. She was unwilling to commit to any significant military action, and this defensive stance allowed Phaarn to come through nearly unscathed. In the long run, however, caution is seldom the path to power among the drow.

House Claddath
Rank: 8th
Traits: Hedonistic, Secretive
Power: 7 [M (3), F (2), W (2)]
Matron Mother: Xendala Claddath (CE female drow Clr 15)
Urban Mandate: The Heights
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Weak) - Rumors said Elistraee
Alliances: House Claddath is known to be weak, and thus no other house is willing to recognize and alliance with it.
Enemies: As the eigth house, Claddath fears attacks from many lower ranking houses, most particularly House Do'Velran (#9)
Membership: 12 house nobles (2 high priestesses, 4 priestesses, 4 warriors, 2 wizards), 400 drow soldiers. 400 slaves (quaggoths (300), Bugbears (100)).

Matron Mother Xendala Claddath leads this unusual house but it is the house's eccentric weaponmaster, Vend Claddath, that is its best known member. The house is known for its use of a formal dueling code and, under its current weaponmaster, the adoption of the falchion sword and hook fauchard as its favored weapons.

Greater Houses
House Do'Velran
Rank: 9th
Traits: Duplicitous, Secretive
Power: 8 [M (3), F (3), W (2)]
Matron Mother: Haelxyra Do'Velran (CE female drow Clr 14)
Urban Mandate: The Heights
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Moderate)
Alliances: Strongly supported by House Ildorno (#1), which further invites question about the house's standing with the Spider Queen.
Enemies: As the Tenth house, with the fall of House Achria (#7), House Claddath (#8) is the target of House Do'Velran. Do'Velran fears attacks from many lower ranking houses, most particularly House Do'Urden (#10)
Membership: 21 house nobles (4 high priestesses, 11 priestesses, 2 warriors, 4 wizards), 250 drow soldiers. 400 slaves (goblins (200), shaturugs (100), Bugbears (100)).

House Do’Velran has a reputation for double dealing as well as magical might, though its wizards are almost exclusively female! The members of the house are very reclusive but are always obvious when traveling as they use specially bred spider mounts rather than riding lizards.

House Do'Urden
Rank: 10th
Traits: Authoritarian, Militaristic, Zealous
Power: 10 [M (3), F (4), W (3)]
Matron Mother: Vriel Do'Urden, (CE female drow Clr 14)
Urban Mandate: Old City
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: House Do'Urden has formed a solid alliance with House Veladorn (#12)
Enemies: Because of its numerous troops, House Do'Urden fears no house beneath its station; it has many offensive desires, including attacks against House Phaarn (#8) and Claddath (#9)
Membership: 39 house nobles (8 high priestesses, 13 priestesses, 6 warriors, 12 wizards), 600 drow soldiers. Slaves 500 (troglodytes (200), shaturug (100), thri-kreen (100), trolls (100), and packs of displacer beasts).

House Do'Urden is the house that can do no wrong. Throughout the years it has been ascending, it seems to have commited no major mistakes. It does have the Principle Master of Melee-Magathere, in it's Elder son-Vloniir. As a whole, the house is very well balanced with its strong priestesses and its even number of fighters and wizards. The matron mother is always on good terms with Lolth, as she constantly sacrifices slaves, babies, and sometimes even nobles to ensure her families security.

House Veladorn
Rank: 11th
Traits: Authoritarian, Militaristic
Power: 6 [M (4), F (1), W (1)]
Matron Mother: Zaknafein Veladorn, (CE male drow Clr 14)
Urban Mandate: The Heights
Religious Affiliation: Church of Mephistopheles (Strong)
Alliances: House Veladorn has formed a solid alliance with House Do'Urden (#12)
Enemies: House Veladorn attracts the interest of many lower ranking houses including House Dhuunyl (#13) and House Zaphresz (#14)
Membership: 46 house nobles (15 priests, 11 priestesses, 10 warriors, 10 wizards), 500
drow soldiers. Slaves 1500 (shaturug (1500)).

House Veladorn is patriarchal in nature and places a premium not on gender alone, but rather on power; all Drow must earn their position through savvy, skill, and strength. No longer will Drow within this House hold ranks through mere tradition. While Veladron has numerous allies of other races, only Drow may become members of the House.

House Dhuunyl
Rank: 12th
Traits: Secretive, Zealous
Power: 9 [M (2), F (4), W (3)]
Matron Mother: Nhilriina Dhuunyl, (CE female drow Clr 13)
Urban Mandate: Old city
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: House Dhuunyl is known to be weak, and thus no other house is willing to recognize an alliance with it. But no house wants to attack.
Enemies: House Dhuunyl is one of the chief plotters against House Claddath(#8).
Membership: 15 house nobles (2 High priests, 8 priestesses, 1 warriors, 4 wizards), 200 drow soldiers. Slaves 400.

This ancient house claims to be as old as House Ildorno, and none have ever disputed it (it was apparently formed by a high priestess when the city was founded). The house makes money from taverns, games (especially gladiatorial events), and gambling.

House Zaphresz
Rank: 13th
Traits: Autoritatian, Militaristic
Power: 12 [M (5), F (3), W (4)]
Matron Mother: Shaktii Zaphresz, (CE female drow Clr 13)
Urban Mandate: Outside the City
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Moderate)
Alliances: House Hlaneld (#2), House Phaarn (#7), Brown Mushroom Coster
Enemies: House Ildorno (#1), Black Claw Mercantile, Xaiyths Company.
Membership: 16 house nobles (4 High priests, 5 priestesses, 2 warriors, 5 wizards), 700 drow soldiers. Slaves 2600.

Unlike most Houses in Kalan-G’eld, Zaphersz is located outside the city proper. It rests in the dark caves that lead deeper into the Underdark. As a result, the house is greatly responsible for protecting Kalan-G’eld from the lurking dangers of their subterranean home.
Its warriors lead the parties that guard the city. With few wizards, and few clerics, the house relies on its brute strength; its warriors far larger than the average dark elf. As a result of this, its goals are twofold. Like all drow houses it seeks the highest possible level of power within the city. But it has always been tempered by the responsiblity it has to protect Kalan-G’eld. For there lies its true power - few houses would want to eliminate the warriors, for without Zaphersz their own warriors would be needed and their own houses weakened.

House Srune
Rank: 14th
Traits: Duplicious, Militaristic
Power: 7 [M (3), F (2), W (2)]
Matron Mother: Nizzre'tyne Srune, (CE female drow Clr 13)
Urban Mandate: Old City
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Weak)
Alliances: This house has no formal alliances.
Enemies: House Srune desires to execute an attack against House Veladorn (#11)
Membership: 14 house nobles (3 High priests, 4 priestesses, 2 warriors, 5 wizards), 250 drow soldiers, 300 slaves

Lolthite house under the command of Nizzre'tyne. Moved from the drow city of Ched Nasad to Kalan-G’eld.
Srune considers the Surface simply a place to gather slaves, gladiators and information.
After all, whom in their right mind would want to leave the beautiful, cool caverns?

House Crannov
Rank: 15th
Traits: Militaristic, Secretive
Power: 7 [M (3), F (2), W (2)]
Matron Mother: Neerintra Crannov, (CE female drow Clr 13)
Urban Mandate: The Bazaar (The Rift)
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Weak)
Alliances: This house has no formal alliances.
Enemies: House Hyluan (#16)
Membership: 20 house nobles (3 High priests, 5 priestesses, 6 warriors, 6 wizards), 500 drow soldiers, 100 slaves

House Crannov give a home to the many Drow outcasts who have been shunned, exiled, or fled from the Underdark. This includes Drow half-breeds, Vampiric and shatúrug, survivors of destroyed houses, and those of strange pigmentation or deformity. Due to the harsh nature of these people's lives, most are very motivated to achieve power out of necessity and are not to be taken lightly. This house has risen against odds to become a force to reckon with within the Underdark. They wish more to be feared and respected than to rule.

House Hyluan
Rank: 16th
Traits: Avaricious, Militaristic
Power: 7 [M (2), F (2), W (3)]
Matron Mother: Brizymma Hyluan, (CE female drow Clr 13)
Urban Mandate: Old City
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Weak)
Alliances: This house has no formal alliances.
Enemies: Though not a weak house by any means, without allies, the house is a prime candidate for elimination by an ambitious lower-ranked house.
Membership: 15 house nobles (3 High priests, 5 priestesses, 1 warriors, 6 wizards), 150 drow soldiers, 100 slaves

This young house is stronger than its size suggests (and is ranked accordingly) because its drow troops are all lizard mounted. Not surprisingly, much of its wealth comes from lizard and rothe breeding.

House Ssambra
Rank: 17th
Traits: Avaricious, Militaristic
Power: 7 [M (2), F (2), W (3)]
Matron Mother: Vlondril Ssambra, (CE female drow Clr 11)
Urban Mandate: Old City
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Weak), Kiaransalee, and Selvetarm
Alliances: Trying to forge an alliance with House Ildorno (#1)
Enemies: House Hlaneld (#2) covets Ssambra house campound. House Del'Etorian (#19)
Membership: 21 house nobles (3 High priests, 5 priestesses, 7 warriors, 6 wizards), 150 drow soldiers, 200 slaves.

House Ssambra is a Drow noble house formerly from Chael-Rekshaar.
They are known for their mages, particularly the female ones. It is also well known by surfacers for its frequent and brutal raids. Ssambra is also known to work with other factions against a common rival.
Currently at odds and in “open conflict” with House Del'Etorian.

House Del’Sundin
Rank: 18th
Traits: Avaricious, Hedonistic
Power: 6 [M (2), F (1), W (3)]
Matron Mother: Malista Del'Sundin, (CE female drow Clr 15)
Urban Mandate: Old City
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Weak)
Alliances: House Ildorno (#1) and House Hlaneld (#2) have alternately wooed the favors of House Del'Sundin
Enemies: None
Membership: 21 house nobles (3 High priests, 5 priestesses, 7 warriors, 6 wizards), 200 drow soldiers, 400 slaves.

Primary purpose is dealings with the above races of the surface and those races of the underdark. Primarily merchants, they are excellent fighters and mages but have few clerics. One of few houses that has male clerics of Lloth standing amongst its ranks.

House Del’Etorian
Rank: 19th
Traits: Autoritatian, Militaristic
Power: 8 [M (3), F (3), W (2)]
Matron Mother: Talryne'Vrae Del'Etorian, (CE female drow Clr 12)
Urban Mandate: Old City
Religious Affiliation: Church of Vhaeraun (Moderate)
Alliances: House Undraeth (#20)
Enemies: House Che’Z’Kith (#23)
Membership: 21 house nobles (4 High priests, 5 priestesses, 10 warriors, 10 wizards), 600 drow soldiers, 500 slaves.

House Del’Etorian is a Drow house formed at the time or briefly after the fall of Chael-Rekshaar from Chael-Rekshaar noble house, House Kil’ani, merchant clan of Mae'ana, and elements from House Xull’d’Vharcan.
House Del’Etorian is known for training exceptional magus, which is does to support itself (it trains troops for merchant houses and clans and wealthy commoners and even, sometimes, for another house). They are well known for training in longsword and shortsword specialization. The house has many nobles, two of which are said to be female magus. The house weaponsmaster is also the head house wizard.

House Undraeth
Rank: 20th
Traits: Autoritatian, Avaricious
Power: 5 [M (2), F (1), W (2)]
Matron Mother: Min’haszak Undraeth, (CE female drow Fgt 12)
Urban Mandate: Old City
Religious Affiliation: Church of Vhaeraun (Moderate)
Alliances: House Del'Sundin (#19) is their only allied, House Undraeth is a off branch of House Del'Sundin (#19).
Enemies: House Che’Z’Kith (#23) desires to execute an attack against House Undraeth (#20).
Membership: 6 house nobles (0 High priests, 0 priestesses, 3 warriors, 3 wizards), 200 drow soldiers, 400 slaves.

Thought large in number it will never attain true power, for its primary clerics are male. Most females of the house have no clerical apptitude, meaning they can not use clerical magic. Instead they go on to becoming fighters, wizards and assasins.
Their primary goal is to bring up their ranks of High Priestess's, threw breeding, all males with clerical status are welcomed and bred as long as they prove themselves, none how ever have left the house. Thought allies of House Del'Sundin, they wish to seperate themselves from their former house completely, if not destroy them someday.
This house is best known for the blend of 'shrommberry wine that it produces. The house is also involved in brewing, fungus farming, and alchemical pursuits (developing new drugs, poisons, and potions).

Intermediate Houses

House Nepharkin
Rank: 21th
Traits: Avaricious, Zealous
Power: 9 [M (2), F (4), W (3)]
Matron Mother: Etheisstra Nepharkin, (CE female drow Fgt 12)
Urban Mandate: The Bazaar (Underwall Ward)
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: House Rilyntel (#22)
Enemies: House Del'torian #19) and House Undraeth (#20).
Membership: 17 house nobles (4 High priests, 5 priestesses, 6 warriors, 2 wizards), 150 drow soldiers, 200 slaves.

House Nepharkin is a House originally from Ched Nassad. It has moved to the area for some reason.
This house deals in glassware, glass-blowing, and other glass work. They are known to be able to provide any number of specialties such as leaded glass, glassteel, and so on. They are famed for their "glass swords". The house has reportedly recently discovered a sand pit in the dark dominion that will provide them with exceptionally fine sand for their work.

House Rilyntel
Rank: 22th
Traits: Autoritarian, Zealous
Power: 8 [M (1), F (4), W (3)]
Matron Mother: Etheannajss Rilyntel, (CE female drow Fgt 12)
Urban Mandate: The Bazaar (Underwall Ward)
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: House Ildorno (#1)
Enemies: All non-traditional Houses
Membership: 18 house nobles (4 High priests, 6 priestesses, 6 warriors, 2 wizards), 120 drow soldiers, 150 slaves.

House Rilyntel only wants to restore the power of Lolth and gain her favor in all things, regardless of the cost. They openly stand against any of the non-traditional Houses and wish nothing more than for all males to once again bow at their feet in fear of their Priestess power.

House Che'Z'Kith
Rank: 23th
Traits: Autoritarian, Militaristic, Zealous
Power: 9 [M (3), F (4), W (2)]
Matron Mother: Nadallas Che’Z’Kith (CE female drow Clr 12)
Urban Mandate: The Bazaar (Underwall Ward)
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: House Che’Z’Kith is a major crony of House Auvry’Zynge, the second House of Kalan-G’eld. The house also has good ties with House Arkenduis (#3) and several other houses that waste no love on House Hlaneld.
Enemies: House Che’Z’Kith has contributed much to the rivalry with House Cadryenne (#25). Now that rivalry has come to a head, and when it passes only one of the two will remain. House Che’Z’Kith desires to execute an attack against House Del'torian #19) and House Undraeth (#20).
Membership: 18 house nobles (3 High priests, 5 priestesses, 5 warriors, 5 wizards), 200 drow soldiers, 400 slaves.

House Che'Z'Kith has a bloody violent past. Clawing their way up every step of the way, not caring who they have to dispose of to get there. They are ruled by a venemous Matron who desires nothing more than to see her House reach it's full potential. There have been many strong females to sit atop the throne of this House. Each generation born boasts new strength. The females of this house vary in rank and or station. From High Priestess to Trained fighter.

House T'lindhet
Rank: 24th
Traits: Sadistic, Secretive
Power: 4 [M (2), F (1), W (1)]
Matron Mother: Baewyss T'lindhet (CE female drow Clr 12)
Urban Mandate: The Bazaar (Underwall Ward)
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Weak)
Alliances: None. Weak house
Enemies: Traditional enemy of House Ildorno (#1).
Membership: 17 house nobles (2 High priests, 4 priestesses, 1 warriors, 10 wizards), 250 drow soldiers, 150 slaves.

House T’lindhet was a drow noble house in Chael-Rekshaar, even being the leading House for a long period of time. They suffered the fate of destruction due to treachery from within and the ambition of house Ildorno, who conquered T’lindhet and adopted several members.
As a drow house worshipping Lolth, T’lindhet has certain charasteristics every such a house shares. T’lindhet, "The Sisters of Magic", specialized in the arcane. Often had the Ul'faruk of Kalan-G’eld been of T’lindhet, and the house has sponsored mages specifically through its existance. The house also has a close interaction with the city's pleasure houses, providing them with oils and perfumes made by the T’lindhet mages.

House Zerrinath
Rank: 25th
Traits: Avaricious Sadistic
Power: 7 [M (2), F (2), W (3)]
Matron Mother: Dravanna Zerrinath (CE female drow Clr 12)
Urban Mandate: Old City
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Weak)
Alliances: This house has no formal alliances, but his role as slave-wrangle insures that its can exert pressure on most any other house.
Enemies: Traditional enemy of House T'lindhet (#24).
Membership: 17 house nobles (3 High priests, 4 priestesses, 2 warriors, 3 wizards), 150 drow soldiers, 400 slaves.
Matron Mother Dravanna Zerrinath, is a warlord and slave-wrangler. House Zerrinath primary source of money is slavery.
Her backstory is that she manages many of the non-drow guards of the house. Matron Mother Dravanna has only one eye, and some horrible scarring. Specifically, female drow have a higher social ranking than male drow.
Bjorkus, minotaur fighter ("magically bound into servitude")- a sort of muscle bound gladiator that acts as Dravanna's 'pet' and bodyguard.

House Sorethin
Rank: 26th
Traits: Avaricious, Hedonistic
Power: 5 [M (2), F (1), W (2)]
Matron Mother: Aunrae Sorethin (CE female drow Clr 12)
Urban Mandate: The Bazaar (Underwall Ward)
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Weak)
Alliances: House Che’Z’Kith (#24)
Enemies: As the 26th house, Sorethin fears attack from many lower- ranking houses, most particularly House Cadryenne (#27).
Membership: 12 house nobles (2 High priests, 3 priestesses, 4 warriors, 3 wizards), 170 drow soldiers, 300 slaves.

House Sorethin a relatively new house, having arisen within the last millennium. Its original strength came from trade, and that still forms the basis of Sorethin’s power. The clan is willing to send expeditions, into the far reaches of the Underdark, even trading with distant drow communities. (Indeed, one of the clan priestesses was brought to Kalan-G’eld from distant Ched Nasad.)

House Cadryenne
Rank: 27th
Traits: Authoritarian, Avaricious, Zealous
Power: 9 [M (2), F (4), W (3)]
Matron Mother: Laurossil Cadryenne, (CE female drow Clr 12)
Urban Mandate: The Bazaar (Underwall Ward)
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: House Hlaneld (#2) is House Cadryenne chief sponsor. House Qu’ellar (#33)
Enemies: House Che’Z’Kith (#23), and House Sorethin (#26)
Membership: 18 house nobles (3 high priestesses, 6 priestesses, 6 warriors, 3 wizards), 170 drow soldiers, 400 slaves

In the year 1362 DR, House Cadryenne is the twenty-eight house of Kalan-G’eld rigid hierarchy of Social station. It has been a loyal servant of House Hlaneld in the past. Because of this, the members of the house shall be given the chance to prove their courage and skill – and if they do so successfully, they will gain the opportunity for significant advancement of their station.
House Cadryenne is entrusted with Lloth's silks; weavers and spinners, makers of clothing and tapestries.
House Cadyenne has been a long standing (300 + years) rival of House Che’Z’Kith (#23), but in recent years they have attracted the enmity of House Sorethin (#26)

House Lil Valdrin
Rank: 28th
Traits: Militaristic, Zealous
Power: 9 [M (3), F (4), W (2)]
Matron Mother: Mat’Vae Lil Valdrin, (CE female drow Clr 18)
Urban Mandate: Old City
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: House Lil Valdrinhas are working on a solid alliance with House Xierchien (#29)
Enemies: Because of its numerous trops, House Lil Valdrin fear no house beneath its sation; it has many offensive desires, including attacks against House Sorethin (#26) and House Cadryenne (#27)
Membership: 25 house nobles (6 high priestesses, 10 priestesses, 7 warriors, 2 wizards), 300 drow soldiers, 150 slaves

House Lil Valdrin is a Llothite house that was lead by Mat’Vae Lil Valdrin, who was the longest-standing matron in Kalan-G’eld thus far. The main focus and goals of the house is public relations and internal affairs. In addition, the house has a well-organized military unit, and the organization of raids and city events are prevalent.

House Xierchien
Rank: 29th
Traits: Authoritarian, Avaricious
Power: 4 [M (1), F (1), W (2)]
Matron Mother: Nathdriliara Xierchien, (LE, female drow Clr 15)
Urban Mandate: The Gaahr
Religious Affiliation: Church of Kiaransalee (Strong)
Alliances: House Xierchien have accepted peace initiatives from House T'lindhet (#24). But they are ready to strike the weak House T'lindhet. House Oussty (#32)
Enemies: Xierchien attracts the interest of many, lower-ranking houses including House Tlu Malla (#30) and House El’lar (#31). The house is cautiously going along with House Che'Z'Kith (#23)
Membership: 20 house nobles (5 high priestesses, 9 priestesses, 3 warriors, 3 wizards), 125 drow soldiers, 100 slaves.

House Xierchien is a noble and truly ancient house serving the will of Kiaransalee, perhaps one of the first true houses to embrace the Maiden’s will, Xierchien sought power, prestige and truly epic reputation. Being a Xierchien is about honor, trust and being the best drow you could be.
This house provides financial backing and security for several minor magical item manufacturers in the city. They seem to have access to a great amount of minor magical items which they equip their troops with, presumably from these same businesses.

House Tlu Malla
Rank: 30th
Traits: Duplicious, Sadictic, Secretive
Power: 3 [M (1), F (1), W (1)]
Matron Mother: Shyntwae Tlu Malla, (CE, female drow Clr 13)
Urban Mandate: Unknown
Religious Affiliation: Unknown
Alliances: House Tlu Malla has a cooperative relationship with House El'lar (#31)
Enemies: The house is one of the chief plotters against of a House of higher ranking, though that fact is not known to that house.
Membership: ?? house nobles (? high priestesses, ? priestesses, ? warriors, ? wizards), 140 drow soldiers, ??? slaves.

Not much is known about the Tlu Malla house. They are a house in shadows, concealing both their plots, their power and their members. It is rumoured that they are a league of rogues and assassins, but wizards, fighters and clerics have been recorded in their midst. Most who are within the house tend to be relatively silent about their house and often appear to have much knowledge about the going's on around them.
New recruits into the house have been known to be tested after the strife but measure their worth before admittance though the exact nature of these tests have been reported to vary depending on applicant.

House El’lar
Rank: 31th
Traits: Duplicious, Avaricious
Power: 6 [M (4), F (1), W (1)]
Matron Mother: Vhaeshess El'lar, (CE, female drow Clr 11)
Urban Mandate: The Bazaar (Underwall Ward)
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Weak)
Alliances: House El'lar has a cooperative relationship with House Tlu Malla(#30)
Enemies: The house is one of the chief plotters against of a House of higher ranking, though that fact is not known to that house.
Membership: 12 house nobles (1 high priestesses, 3 priestesses, 7 warriors, 1 wizards), 200 drow soldiers, 2500 slaves.

Founded by the young, but charismatic Matron Vhaeshess, an honorary of Arach-Tinilith, the house is based on the ambitious goals of commoners of the city of Kalan-G’eld. House El’lar from the moment of its creation began plotting its debut and rise in the city. More than confident of being able to rise amongst the ranks of these ancient and dead-locked houses, with all intent to give Lolth the taste of new chaos.
House El’lar is in charge of the city's farms and answers to House Ildorno and the ruling council in this.

House Ousstyl
Rank: 32th
Traits: Avaricious, Hedonistic
Power: 6 [M (1), F (2), W (3)]
Matron Mother: Kyrnill Ousstyl, (CE, female drow Clr 11)
Urban Mandate: The Mines
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Weak)
Alliances: House Ousstyl has long cooperated with House Xierchien (#29). His role as miner insures that no House would attack.
Enemies: House Ousstyl desires to execute an attack against House Tlu Malla (#30)
Membership: 18 house nobles (5 high priestesses, 5 priestesses, 0 warriors, 8 wizards), 150 drow soldiers, 100 slaves.

This house makes its money through mining but has an unusual side business: drow items. Since most drow items can only be sold to other noble houses and few houses are willing to sell items and the skilled craftsmen who can make such items are in short supply, the Ousstyl are a primary source of drow items for a number of other minor houses. Of course, there are always whispers that they also have deals with certain smugglers and black marketeers. House Ousstyl deals openly with any house without favoritism and as such is thought to either be free of influence by greater houses or is controlled by House Hlaneld who keeps them neutral and honest in order to avoid massive disruption among the city's houses.

House Qu’ellar
Rank: 33th
Traits: Avaricious, Hedonistic
Power: 7 [M (2), F (2), W (3)]
Matron Mother: Rilwae Qu'ellar, (CE, female drow Clr 11)
Urban Mandate: Old City
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Weak)
Alliances: House (#1) is a strong supporter of House Qu'ellar; as long as the house continues to provide drugs, monsters and slaves to the city. House Cadryenne (#27)
Enemies: House Loknar (#34)
Membership: 15 house nobles (3 high priestesses, 4 priestesses, 2 warriors, 5 wizards), 250 drow soldiers, 300 slaves.

This old, withering house (they've been steadily dropping in size and power for two centuries) makes its money from dealing in exotic drugs and occasionally exotic monsters and slaves. They have a reputation as brooders but recent rumors indicate they are looking to establish long term trade deals with non-noble merchants to improve their wealth and standing.

House 'Lloknar
Rank: 34th
Traits: Atoritharian, Secretive.
Power: 4 [M (1), F (2), W (1)]
Matron Mother: Balda'thrae 'Lloknar, (CE, female drow Clr 11)
Urban Mandate: Old City
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Weak)
Alliances: House 'Lloknar is known to be weak, and thus no other house is willing to recognice an alliance with it.
Enemies: House 'Lloknar fears attack from may lower-ranking houses, most particularly House Rilian'Ath (#35)
Membership: 15 house nobles (3 high priestesses, 5 priestesses, 6 warriors, 2 wizards), 150 drow soldiers, 100 slaves.

House 'Lloknar is a relative new house. Its original strength came from trade and that still forms the basis of 'Lloknar power.

House Rilin’Ath
Rank: 35th
Traits: Avaricious
Power: 4 [M (1), F (1), W (2)]
Matron Mother: Auvryervs Rilyn'Ath, (CE, female drow Clr 10)
Urban Mandate: The Mines
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Weak)
Alliances: Trying to forge an alliance with House (#19)
Enemies: All the lower-ranking Houses
Membership: 15 house nobles (2 high priestesses, 3 priestesses, 2 warriors, 6 wizards), 100 drow soldiers, 50 slaves.

House Rilyn'Ath is extremely poor and is trying to build its wealth by getting into the spell component supply business. In pursuit of this they've adopted three young male mages of low power (bringing the total number of lesser noble mages in the house to eight) to help run the business. The house has also started dealing in magical potions, primarily fire resistance and magic resistance though potions of the latter type sold to non-drow are said to be weaker than those sold to drow, regardless of station (the price remains the same, whatever the truth). The Head House Wizard is the highly respected archmage Quild Pelum'Tith, the matron mother's grand uncle. The current matron mother is rumored not to even be the most powerful of the house's priestesses of Lloth, instead that distinction seems to belong to her aunt.
House Vandree is at present the most tentative position of any house in Kalan-G'eld. Their numbers are few.

House Qos'Yutsu
Rank: 36th
Traits: Hedonistic, Zealous
Power: 8 [M (2), F (4), W (2)]
Matron Mother: Veh’dra Qos'Yutsu, (CE, female drow Clr 10)
Urban Mandate: The Bazaar (Artisans Ward)
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: House Del'Sundin (#19) and House Undraeth (#20) have been allied with House Qos'Yutsu in the past.
Enemies: None
Membership: 17 house nobles (3 high priestesses, 8 priestesses, 4 warriors, 2 wizards), 150 drow soldiers, 200 slaves.

Like other Lolthite houses, Qos'Yutsu is under the command of its Matron Mother in this case Veh’dra . Males are considered to be the property of the house. This ambitious house specializes in politics and information, and even the males are selected for their intelligence and initiative.
In addition to the arts of manipulation, the house is also a keen sponsor of the arts. The Matron Mother believes that Drow truly represent the pinnacle of civilization and encourages bardic creativity of all kinds. This is not to say that the martial arts are neglected. Beneath the polished exterior lie muscles of iron, just waiting to be flexed.

House Maelthra
Rank: 37th
Traits: Avaricious, Secretive
Power: 4 [M (2), F (1), W (1)]
Matron Mother: Phyrfryn Maelthra, (CE, female drow Clr 10)
Urban Mandate: The Bazaar (Artisans Ward)
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: House Del'Sundin (#19) and House Undraeth (#20) have been allied with House Qos'Yutsu in the past.
Enemies: None
Membership: 8 house nobles (1 high priestesses, 3 priestesses, 4 warriors, 0 wizards), 200 drow soldiers, 400 slaves.

This is a relatively simple house with little to recommend it or make it exceptional.It has few troops, a decent slave force, and only 8 nobles besides the matron mother-2 male warriors, 2 female warriors, 3 priestesses, and 1 high priestess (note the lack of a Head House Wizard). The house dabbles a bit in everything to make money and is seen (by commoners) as easily manipulated by any ruling house in its bid for station.

House Du'Jaers
Rank: 38th
Traits: Hedonistic, Militaristic
Power: 4 [M (2), F (1), W (1)]
Matron Mother: Shraen Du'Jaers, (CE, female lich drow Clr 23)
Urban Mandate: The Ghaar
Religious Affiliation: Church of Kiaransaale (Strong)
Alliances: The Rouling Council
Enemies: None
Membership: 13 house nobles (2 high priestesses, 5 priestesses, 4 warriors, 2 wizards), 200 drow soldiers, 200 slaves.

House Du'Jaers was once one of the great great houses of Ched Nassad. Rather than following the other houses they worshipped Kiaransaale and studied the mysteries of undeath, and were ultimately exiled before their destruction.
Even the drow could not tolerate their vile practices, and House Du'Jaers was forced into exile.
They fled down into the Underdark, arriving at Kalan-G'eld after a harrowing journey of many thousands of miles. Only the undead members of the House had survived up to this point.
Today, all of the members of House Du'Jaers are powerful undead spellcasters: vampires, liches and worse creatures. They raid the ghouls for undead slaves, or capture living creatures to turn into undead.

House Daraq'or
Rank: 39th
Traits: Avaricious, Secretive
Power: 5 [M (3), F (1), W (1)]
Matron Mother: Xunyl Daraq'or, (CE, female drow Clr 10)
Urban Mandate: The Bazaar (Artisans Ward)
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Weak)
Alliances: Nightshades
Enemies: None
Membership: 10 house nobles (1 high priestesses, 2 priestesses, 5 warriors, 2 wizards), 250 drow soldiers, 300 slaves.

House Daraq'or were one of the noble families of Menzoberranzan, though not descended from the founders of the City of Spiders. Rather, they came from Dambrath, presumably forced to flee because of some complication in local politics. The Daraq'or never had too many friends in Kalan-G'eld, since they were incredibly arrogant and looked down their noses at everyone else. They were "allied" with the Nightshades for a time, in the sense that they paid the Nightshades not to reveal their dark nasty secrets.

House DeVile
Rank: 40th
Traits: Sadistic, Zealous
Power: 8 [M (1), F (4), W (3)]
Matron Mother: Xuneera DeVile, (CE, female drow Clr 10)
Urban Mandate: South Shore
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: House Evershek (#43)
Enemies: House Qos'Yutsu (#36)
Membership: 8 house nobles (3 high priestesses, 4 priestesses, 4 warriors, 1 wizards), 125 drow soldiers, 150 slaves.

House DeVile was founded and lead by the Matron Mother Xuneera DeVile, originally in attempt to gain revenge over her former nemesis, Veh'dra Qos'Yutsu. Since then the house has flourished rather rapidly, growing in wealth, numbers and status.

Lesser Houses
House Oussmtor
Rank: 41th
Traits: Militaristic, Zealous
Power: 9 [M (2), F (4), W (3)]
Matron Mother: Inbrynrae Oussmtor, (CE, female drow Inq 10/ Clr 5)
Urban Mandate: South Shore
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Strong)
Alliances: House Ildorno (#1), House Hlaneld (#2), and Arach-Tinilith
Enemies: None
Membership: 23 house nobles (5 high priestesses, 10 priestesses, 1 warriors, 2 wizards), 100 drow soldiers, 160 slaves.

House Oussmtoris defined by the self given task of watching for and seeking out heretical practices. Tenants include heavy involvement within the Arach-Tinilith. They are also tied with the spider guard within the temple. A strong count of membership within the Sorcere, currently more than any other house of Edonil. There are also rumors of possible ties to the Shadow Sindicate but because of the nature of secrecy these are only loose rumors uttered by commoners at best.

House Evershek
Rank: 43th
Traits: Duplicious, Avaricious
Power: 6 [M (1), F (2), W (3)]
Matron Mother: Dirzthara Evershek, (CE, female drow Clr 10)
Urban Mandate: South Shore
Religious Affiliation: Church of Lolth (Weak)
Alliances: The Ruling Council
Enemies: None
Membership: 15 house nobles (3 high priestesses, 5 priestesses, 1 warriors, 6 wizards), 100 drow soldiers, 200 slaves.

The drow of House Evershek fill the storehouses of Kalan-G'eld by virtue of their control over the production and trade in edible fungus within the area of the city. As a sideline they also dipose of bodies within the city using them as compost for their crop or sacrifices to Lolth. Matron Dirzthara is the current head and a familiar figure about the city and in the holdings of her house.