Matron Mother Laurossil Cadryenne, Priestess of Lolth
Age: 691 years old
House Afiliation: 70
Matron Laurossil Cadryenne is a cruel drow female with a savage glint in her over-large eyes. She is alluring and youthful in appearance, although she is more than 600 years old. She is capable of presenting an extremely attractive and pleasant impression to those in her presence-- she can turn this charm on and off at will, and it bears little relation to her actual feelings towards the target of her attentions. The matron carries a whip of fangs which she uses for amusement as much as combat.
Matron Cadryenne's personality suits the occasion, pleasant or domineering, conciliatory or cruel as the situation demands. She is a splendid actress, but in situations of great stress she has been known to lose her temper.
The matriarch is devoted to the furtherance of her house's aims. She greatly enjoys her current patron, Tathlyn Vrinn, because she believes that he can benefit the house. Indeed, he became her patron after he assassinated his predecessor. Tathlyn did such an impressive job of the task that Laurossil took him as her new patron.
Although she is as evil as necessary to survive in the dark elf world, the matron mother of House Cadryenne possesses an unusual level of neutral attitudes. She deplores bullying and brutality against subordinates as a counterproductive tactic. She prefers to foster loyalty and even a remote sense of affection rather than fear in those who serve her.
Elvraema Cadryenne, Elder Daughter, Priestess of Lolth
Age: 271 years old.
House Afiliation: 39
Elvraema is a remarkably somber-appearing drow, not prone to the cackling displays of vicious humor that characterize so many drow high priestesses. She is lithe and attractive, but tends to wear modest and unadorned garments that conceal her body and the back of her head. Her hair is exceptionally long, but she usually keeps it bound at the base of her neck.
Elvraema is careful and thoughtful far beyond the normal standards of the drow. She is considered by many to be a little slow--this is a mistake, however. In reality, she is a precise planner and although she takes her time to develop a plan, the plan is likely to have few flaws. She does not enjoy cruelty for cruelty's sake and even recognizes the value of kindness in earning the loyalty of underlings and allies.
Elvraema is curious about the world beyond her city. She is very loyal to her mother, and intends to become the next matron mother of House Cadryenne, but not for a century or two. She is suspicious of the schemes of others, and carefully examines suggestions and directives, looking for weaknesses.
Dariel Cadryenne, Adopted Son, Fighter
Age: 239 years old
House Afiliation: 15
Dariel is a thin, nervous drow. He survived his original house's slaughter (House Achria). Since he was a second generation noble, his survival was not relevant once the Matron Mother and her offspring had perished. He was granted the protection of House Cadryenne. Dariel dresses simply in unadorned black, except for the small silver pin in the shape of a dagger he wears on his collar. His hair is long, but he carefully binds it behind his head. He is tall enough that he almost appears gaunt.
Because of the disastrous fate of his original house, Dariel tends to be a worrier. He is cautious, suspicious, and meticulous. More than any of his family-mates, Dariel is careful to examine every side of a situation for potential traps and pitfalls. On the other hand, when a course of action has been determined, Dariel puts his energies behind it to the maximum of his abilities. This tenacity has drawn the admiration of the Matron Mother and assures that he will have a place in House Cadryenne for as long as he wants.
Dariel is determined to do everything in his power to insure the survival of House Cadryenne. In fact, so thoroughly has he been adopted that he places the house's survival above his own.
Malaggar Cadryenne, Elderboy, Fighter
Age: 231 years old
House Afiliation: 28
Malaggar is somewhat shorter than the average drow, and slightly more heavyset. His physique is muscular, and his arms are unusually long. He wears his white hair short, finding this useful for combat and also because he likes to be a little different from the typical drow. Malaggar wears clothing of fine quality, fitting his idea of his own status. Silver and platinum threads are embroidered into his cloaks, shirts, and leggings, not into his piwafwi however. He is careful of his appearance at all times.
Malaggar is more sociable and fun-loving than the typical drow. He possesses the nasty alignment of most of his kin, but is unusually willing to cooperate with others in pursuit of a common task. He has been very loyal to his mother and she recognizes his value. He has been given an unusual amount of freedom for a drow male.
Malaggar wants his house to survive and prosper. He wishes to grow to a ripe old age -- free to do what he wants. He is extremely wary of involvements with other clans or priestesses, but is confident enough to be assertive when dealing with the priestesses of his own family.
Guldor Cadryenne, Secondboy, Magus
Age: 199 years old
House Afiliation: 23
Guldor is a dashing, handsome young drow. He is larger than his older brother, which makes him about average in size. He wears his white hair long and unbound (except when combat might be expected). He spends a lot on his wardrobe and is much sought after by drow females.
Guldor is famed as a practical joker. He delights in situations that are embarrassing to others--but he has an ability, very rare in drow, to also appreciate jokes directed against him. He is easygoing and talkative, though he sometimes stretches the bounds of good taste in order to make a point. However, the Milliithor Secondboy is also quite sensitive to the pain of those he cares for. He will not forgive any slight directed against his family, and he is more vocal about his desire for revenge than most drow are comfortable with.
Guldor is unusually devoted to his family -- perhaps because they have not treated him with the cruelty that is the norm among drow society. He is loyal to his older brother and will stick his neck out for anyone of his steady companions who might need his help. Guldor wants to have some fun with his life, and he's not afraid to take a few risks.
Triel Cadryenne, Second Daughter, Priestess of Lolth
Age: 193 years old
House Afiliation: 35
Triel is the opposite of her serious and dignified older sister. The younger daughter of Cadryenne is humorous and social; a natural leader among females and attractive to males. Triel wears bright colored garments, often with patterns of silver and platinum. Her clothes are not modest, but other drow will find them interesting. Her hair is very long and usually unkempt, swirling about her shoulders and back, hanging past her waist when unbound.
Triel is extraordinarily carefree for a drow. She delights in adventure and new experiences, and is curious to the point of rashness. Though she understands the treacherous nature of drow society, she herself tends to remain aloof from double-crosses and betrayals. She enjoys that as much as the next drow, but it’s fine with her to observe the squabbles between other dark elves, rather than to try and create her own.
For all her spontaneity, Triel is a loyal member of House Cadryenne. She is devoted to her mother and will not hesitate to follow the matron's instructions. She is courageous and steady in times of crisis, and willing to take great chances -- if the reward is worthwhile.
P’aalth Cadryenne, Anti-Paladin of Sevetarn (PC- Gonzalo)
Age: 146 years old
House Afiliation: -8
Selvetarn, señor protector y guardián de nuestra fuerza y nuestra fe me guie e inspire. Se acerca el momento en que deberé probar mi fuerza y mi valía. Estoy listo, mi entrenamiento en mi casa, la casa de Cadryenne desde mi más temprana juventud ha sido duro y efectivo. Nada puede apartarnos de nuestros objetivos, nada podrá detener a nuestra casa y a su creciente influencia en Kalan-G´eld. Solo creo en nuestra casa y su destino y me ayudo en la fuerza de Selvetarn y uso y abuso de quien haga falta para engrandecer el nombre de nuestra casa. Nada más importa pues nada hay más allá. He sido criado y educado para ser una eficiente arma y herramienta al servicio de nuestra casa.
¡¡¡Gloria eterna a Cadryenne y a Selvetarn!!!
Tobryn Cadryenne, Wizard (PC- Tomas)
Age: 145 years old
House Afiliation: -8
Sinem Hec’cat Cadryenne, Priestess of Kiaransalee (PC- Salva)
Age: 141 years old
House Afiliation: 11
Nacida en la Casa Cadryenne, Hec'at siempre se ha preocupado más del culto a Kiaransalee, diosa de la muerte y la venganza, que de medrar en su propia casa, aunque su lealtad hacia esta es incuestionable. Suele mostrarse distante y fría, y quienes se han cruzado en su camino no han vivido para contarlo... aunque fuera muchos años después del encontronazo. Tal parece ser el caso de uno de los tutores de su infancia, un drow muy severo, conocido por sus castigos corporales, que ha aparecido no hace mucho desollado vivo en sus dependencias. Cuando se le preguntó a Hec'at al respecto, se limitó a responder con un escueto "A una Cadryenne nadie le pone la mano encima...". La gesta le ha hecho ganar escalafones entre su casa (la matriarca no tolera los comportamientos abusivos) y las filas de Kiaransalee (que rinden culto al castigo), puesto que el tutor no era otro que su padre.
Sinafae Cadryenne, Inquisitor if Lolth (PC – Juanma)
Age: 132 years old.
House Afiliation: 14
Waerva Cadryenne, Fighter (PC- Orca)
Age: 131 years old
House Afiliation: 12
Chesstra Cadryenne, Priestess of Lolth (PC- Cisco)
Age: 124 years old
House Afiliation: 16
Sly; very ambitious, she wants to climb to the top in her house or other power place of faith; sensual and exploits it, use males or females as pawns whenever she can; fanatic of the cult of Lloth, dreams with sacrifice all heretics to Lloth; good warrior but always as last resort.
Valence Kun, Weaponmaster of House Cadryenne
Age: 457 years Old
House Afiliation: 24
A great swordsman and the first of Laurossil's patrons. Valence is the father of Elvraema and Malaggar.
Tathlyn Vrinn, House Patron
Age: 342 years old
House Afiliation: 21
Before joining House Cadryenne, Tathlyn Vrinn was a noted assassin and member of Seldzar’s Mercenary Company.
Tathlyn was famous for using a rare poison that turned its victims to stone. His sigil was a black spider with the image of a red dagger thrust through its abdomen.
Though he will not hesitate to use ruthless violence to accomplish his goals, he can also show mercy or negotiate.
Tathlyn Vrinn, the third house patron (he killed the second patron 200 years ago), is the father of Triel and Guldor.
Quertus Cadryenne, House Wizard
Age: 208 years old
House Afiliation: 23
Quertus Cadryenne is a pale and exceptionally youthful-looking drow-- a fact that has caused more than one dark elf to assume that he is a weakling and a target for abuse. Such bullies always find out differently, though often the fact is the last thing they learn in their lives. He dresses well, but cannot quite conceal his stooped shoulders or pinched, narrow face. His hair is naturally fine, but it looks so stringy on his head that he has taken to shaving his scalp.
Quertus is sensitive about his looks, and quick to take offense at someone who insults him. When this is not the case, however, he can be quite sociable. He enjoys conversations about all manner of topics, and seeks whenever possible to learn things from those he talks to. Quertus is a cousin of the Cadryenne noble family; he is not a descendent of the Matron Mother, though he goes out of his way to make sure everyone treats him like a true member of the family and resists any suggestions to the contrary.
Quertus is very determined to prove that he is a full fledged member of the Cadryenne clan. He always does his part, and regularly exhorts his fellow family members to do the same. He aspires to wizardly greatness, and will gladly sacrifice wealth or possessions for things that he thinks will bring him greater magical abilities.
Both of Quertus’ parents are deceased. He has one full sister, a priestess of Lloth who also dwells in the House compound. An older half brother is the black sheep of the family and hasn't been back to Kalan-G’eld since he left over a century ago.
Associates and Allies
Lestrin Kenlyl, Drow, Ninja (PC – Cisco)
Age: 117 years old
House Afiliation: -15
Reveler, charming and good mannered, enjoys with the luxury, drink and women. All this its a fake to lower the guard of others. Faithful to Laurossil and house Cadryenne.
A young good merchant for the silks and clothing of house Cadryenne. When his father died when he was 40, a friend of Laurossil Cadryenne, she take care of him and trained him to be as good as his father as trader, spy and assassin. Now he plays his role of rich reveler and trader. Sometime travels in caravans to other underdark cities to trade and spy.
Nathrae, Drow, Witch (PC – Cisco)
Age: 119
House Afiliation: 3
Daughter of a witch well known in the Fuer'yon Quarter for his little magic shop, where non-drow can buy all kind of potions, poison and little magical trinkets for a price expensier than to drow. She is a spy for Cadryenne family in the zone. Nathrae wants to be somebody more important than a little shopper and spy for house Cadryenne. Now she is learning to make potions and other alchemical products but she is pacient and waits for his moment to improve. She has Time...
Malakai, Shaturug, Fighter (PC – Salva)
Age: 23
House Afiliation: None, Slave
Tras las guerras contra orcos y goblins de los años 1000-1110, los drow descubren que una nueva raza empieza a proliferar: los shaturug, bastardos de orcos y drow. Aunque la mayoría de ellos prefieren vivir alejados de los drow, o luchar contra ellos, una pequeña minoría ha sido criada por los propios elfos oscuros como tropas de choque de élite. Tal es el caso del esclavo Malakai, de la casa Cadryenne, cuya ferocidad en el campo de batalla y su lealtad hacia la casa le han valido una gran consideración entre las sacerdotisas de esta, que suelen utilizarlo de guardaespaldas personal o miembro de su séquito. Tanto es así, que se rumorea que podría convertirse en el primer Dread Fang of Lolth que no es un drow, lo cual lo ha hecho extremadamente impopular entre los candidatos a Dread Fang de Kalan-G'eld, especialmente los de la propia casa Cadryenne, lo cual consideran una ofensa a su propia competencia. Aunque la mayoría no se atreve a decírselo a la cara...
Skratch “Sapito”, Chitine, Rogue (PC – Salva)
Age: ????
House Afiliation: None, Slave
Uno de tantos esclavos de la familia Cadryenne, "Sapito" es conocido por su habilidad como ladrón y explorador, lo cual lo convierte en un compañero ideal, aunque un tanto repugnante de aspecto (de ahí su apodo). Sus contactos en los bajos fondos le han valido una cierta reputación entre el hampa de Kalan-G'eld, donde suele recabar información y rumores para su casa, además de pasar los ratos muertos emborrachándose, robando a algún incauto o jugando a las cartas.
Zesstra Telenna, Urban Ranger (PC- Juanma)
Age: 130 years old
House Afiliation: 3
Szrodrin, Summoner (PC- Juanma)
Age: ??? years old
House Afiliation: None, Slave
Mebdev, Magus (PC- Orca)
Age: 150 years old
House Afiliation: -16
Gorth, Shaturug Fighter (PC- Gonzalo)
Age: 146 years old
House Afiliation: None, Slave
Nací de padres esclavos y esclavo soy. Sirvo en la casa de Cadryenne, concretamente mi señor es P’aalth Cadryenne. No tengo mucho que contar sobre mi. Mis amos me convirtieron en un salvaje asesino desde niño. Aprovecharon y potenciaron las cualidades físicas de mi raza y me entrenaron en el uso de armas y la fabricación de armaduras. Soy consciente de que para ellos sólo soy una herramienta pero también observo que me temen y admiran, la fuerza que poseo es enorme incluso para los miembros de mi raza. De momento y como siempre he hecho cumplo con sus mandatos y sirvo bien a la casa Cadryenne y a mi señor P’aalth. Aprendo de ellos en silencio y nunca olvido la sangre orca que corre por mis venas. Quizás algún día sea yo quien enseñe a mis amos lo que realmente significa ser esclavo. Siento especial placer cuando torturo y asesino a otros elfos oscuros de las casas rivales a la nuestra, dando entonces rienda suelta a la salvaje furia que me proporciona la esclavitud. De momento consigo ocultar ese placer disfrazándolo del mismo fanatismo por la causa de Cadryenne que impregna el alma de mi amo.
Naethis, Sorcerer (PC- Gonzalo)
Age: 123 years old
House Afiliation: None
Fuego, el fuego siempre e incomprensiblemente me ha fascinado, sueño que las llamas me rodean pero no me abraso, al contrario me reconfortan y me llenan de vida. Desde pequeña, he tenido una gran afinidad con ese puro elemento, elemento de transformación, noto el fuego en mi interior, late con fuerza. Una fuerza que me da poderes y habilidades que crecen poco a poco. No recuerdo apenas mi infancia ni se por que tengo estos poderes. Mi “padre adoptivo” P’aalth de la casa Cadryenne me dijo que era una chica muy especial y afortunada que estaba destinada a grandes cosas para la gloria de la casa Cadryenne. Que Selvetarn había querido que él me salvara de una muerte dolorosa y cruel a manos de los asesinos de mis auténticos padres, según P’aal los asesinos pertenecían a una casa que ahora es rival de la nuestra. P’aal se ocupó de mi educación y me entrego a los hechiceros de la Casa para que aprendiera a controlar y explotar mis poderes, me dijo que con el tiempo tendría más y más fuerza y que debía obedecerle en todo. No tengo más familia que él, siempre me ha protegido y se ha ocupado de mi. Aunque ya estoy algo cansada de los entrenamientos y clases mágicas, me gustaría salir y ver como es el mundo.. siento que la fuerza que late en mi interior necesitará ser totalmente liberada.
Marhand, Shaturug Rogue (PC- Sergi)
Age: 24 years old
House Afiliation: None, Slave