miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011

Know Facts About Kalan-G'eld Houses

1362 DR, Year of the Helm

House Ildorno

The most powerful noble house and ancient in the city, House Ildorno dominates its trade, politics, military (its forces are reputed to be able to match any other 5 nobles houses combined), and even the schools (with the heads of both Sorcere and Arach Tinilith members of the house).

Religion: Loth; Located at: The Ghaar; Rank: 1st House of Kalan-G’eld

House Hlaneld

House Hlaneld is a well respected and well-admired house among the city of Kalan-G'eld. No house openly reveals enmity towards the house and many have no qualms with Ilztzaer anyway. Ilztzaer is a charmer and she picks up allies like she would pick up a spider. Ilztzaer is the closest to the Spider Queen of all the Matron Mothers and has gained her approval ten times fold.

Religion: Loth; Located at: The Heights; Rank: 2nd House of Kalan-G’eld

House Auvry’Zynge

House Auvry’Zynge is known for its wizardry and magic. Most of their males go on to study magic and very few in the house have need for the blade. Their magic is reknowned throughout Kalan-G'eld and they are openly feared by many houses. It has been whispered that minor attacks have been waged upon the first house by certain wizards in House Auvry’Zynge.

The elderboy of House Auvry’Zynge is the the Archmage of the city. He dwells at the Academy and constantly strives for ways his house can excel.

Religion: Loth; Located at: The Heights; Rank: 3rd House of Kalan-G’eld

House Zauviir

House Zauviir is well known for the quality of its unit of female priestesses and warrior priestesses of Lloth (estimated at about 40 troops).

The members of the 4th House of Kalan-G’eld are known as paranoid recluses. They always travel wearing a veil and concealing robe that hides both identity and gender. Several of the masters of Sorcere are members of this house and they can be hired to arbitrate business and house disputes.

Religion: Loth; Located at: The Heights; Rank: 4th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Arkenduis

Arkenduis, the fifth house of the city is, in a drow’s twisted perception of time, just a newborn babe. How they came to achieve their ranking is shrouded in suspicion and envy, but no one has yet to experess their feelings openly.

House Arkenduis is the ultimate fighting house. With their strong males and a nice mixture of priestesses and wizards they are a force to be reckoned with.

Religion: Loth; Located at: The Heights; Rank: 5th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Tor’Qar

Under the rule of mistress Tluthhrae, House Tor’Qar has grown from the weakest of the drow houses to its current position near the top of the social structure.

Tluthhrae’s choice to ally with house Hlaneld has proven very advantageous, as have the close relationships she has maintained with adventuring bands in the Underdark. Of all the nobles, Tluthhrae has the most extensive spy network in Kalan-G’eld. Her agents report to her on the activities of visitors whom she might find useful.

Religion: Loth; Located at: The Heights; Rank: 6th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Achria

This house is famed for leading some of the best hunts in the city. The house has a number of powerful nobles (though it only accepts three males at any time: the head house wizard, his head assistant, and the house patron) but relatively few troops. Instead the house insulates its power by using trustworthy, capable commoner hirelings. They lead only the most dangerous hunts, taking clients to a variety of the most dangerous locales in the dark dominion. It is said that participating in a Achria hunt is the best way survive a raid on the drider rift for those who aren't archmages. The mortality rate among the house's nobles is relatively high but those who survive gain power and experience quickly. The house adopts most of its nobles due to this turnover, including a female weaponmaster and priestesses.

Religion: Loth; Located at: The Heights; Rank: 7th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Phaarn

The mistress of house Phaarn, Sinefae, has ruled for longer than any of the other noble leaders currently in power. She was unwilling to commit to any significant military action, and this defensive stance allowed Phaarn to come through nearly unscathed. In the long run, however, caution is seldom the path to power among the drow.

Religion: Loth; Located at: The Heights; Rank: 8th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Claddath

Matron Mother Xendala Claddath leads this unusual house but it is the house's eccentric weaponmaster, Vend Claddath, that is its best known member. The house is known for its use of a formal dueling code and, under its current weaponmaster, the adoption of the falchion sword and hook fauchard as its favored weapons.

Religion- Lolth (rumors said Elistraee); Locate at: Heights; Rank: 9th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Do'Velran

House Do’Velran has a reputation for double dealing as well as magical might, though its wizards are almost exclusively female! The members of the house are very reclusive but are always obvious when traveling as they use specially bred spider mounts rather than riding lizards.

Religion- Lolth; Locate at: Heights; Rank: 10th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Do'Urden

House Do'Urden is the house that can do no wrong. Throughout the years it has been ascending, it seems to have commited no major mistakes. It does have the Principle Master of Melee-Magathere, in it's Elder son-Vloniir. As a whole, the house is very well balanced with its strong priestesses and its even number of fighters and wizards. The matron mother is always on good terms with Lolth, as she constantly sacrifices slaves, babies, and sometimes even nobles to ensure her families security.

Religion: Loth; Located at: Old City; Rank: 11th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Veladorn

House Veladorn is patriarchal in nature and places a premium not on gender alone, but rather on power; all Drow must earn their position through savvy, skill, and strength. No longer will Drow within this House hold ranks through mere tradition. While Veladron has numerous allies of other races, only Drow may become members of the House.

Religion- Mephistopheles; Locate at: Heights; Rank: 12th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Dhuunyl

House Dhuunyl is known to be weak, and thus no other house is willing to recognize an alliance with it.

This ancient house claims to be as old as House Ildorno, and none have ever disputed it (it was apparently formed by a high priestess when the city was founded). The house makes money from taverns, games (especially gladiatorial events), and gambling.

Religion- Lolth; Locate at: Old City; Rank: 13th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Zaphresz

Unlike most Houses in Kalan-G’eld, Zaphersz is located outside the city proper. It rests in the dark caves that lead deeper into the Underdark. As a result, the house is greatly responsible for protecting Kalan-G’eld from the lurking dangers of their subterranean home.

Its warriors lead the parties that guard the city. With few wizards, and few clerics, the house relies on its brute strength; its warriors far larger than the average dark elf. As a result of this, its goals are twofold. Like all drow houses it seeks the highest possible level of power within the city. But it has always been tempered by the responsiblity it has to protect Kalan-G’eld. For there lies its true power - few houses would want to eliminate the warriors, for without Zaphersz their own warriors would be needed and their own houses weakened.

Religion- Lolth; Locate at: Outside the City; Rank: 14th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Srune

A Noble Lolthite house under the command of Nizzre'tyne. Moved from the drow city of Ched Nasad to Kalan-G’eld.

Srune considers the Surface simply a place to gather slaves, gladiators and information.

After all, whom in their right mind would want to leave the beautiful, cool caverns?

Religion- Lolth; Locate at: Old City; Rank: 15th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Crannov

House Crannov give a home to the many Drow outcasts who have been shunned, exiled, or fled from the Underdark. This includes Drow half-breeds, Vampiric and shatúrug, survivors of destroyed houses, and those of strange pigmentation or deformity. Due to the harsh nature of these people's lives, most are very motivated to achieve power out of necessity and are not to be taken lightly. This house has risen against odds to become a force to reckon with within the Underdark. They wish more to be feared and respected than to rule.

Religion- Lolth; Locate at: The Bazaar (The Rift) ; Rank: 16th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Hyluan

This young house is stronger than its size suggests (and is ranked accordingly) because its drow troops are all lizard mounted. Not surprisingly, much of its wealth comes from lizard and rothe breeding.

Religion- Lolth; Locate at: Old City; Rank: 17th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Ssambra

House Ssambra is a Drow noble house formerly from Chael-Rekshaar.

They are known for their mages, particularly the female ones. It is also well known by surfacers for its frequent and brutal raids. Ssambra is also known to work with other factions against a common rival.

Currently at odds and in “open conflict” with House Del'Etorian.

Religion- Lolth, Kiaransalee, and Selvetarm; Locate at: Old City; Rank: 18th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Del’Sundin

Minor noble house, primary purpose is dealings with the above races of the surface and those races of the underdark. Primarily merchants, they are excellent fighters and mages but have few clerics. One of few houses that has male clerics of Lloth standing amongst its ranks. Current ruler is Matron Malista Del'Sundin.

Religion- Vhaeraun; Locate at: Old City; Rank: 19th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Del’Etorian

House Del’Etorian is a Drow house formed at the time or briefly after the fall of Chael-Rekshaar from Chael-Rekshaar noble house, House Kil’ani, merchant clan of Mae'ana, and elements from House Xull’d’Vharcan.

House Del’Etorian is known for training exceptional fighter/mages, which is does to support itself (it trains troops for merchant houses and clans and wealthy commoners and even, sometimes, for another house). They are well known for training in longsword and shortsword specialization. The house has many nobles, two of which are said to be female fighter/mages. The house weaponsmaster is also the head house wizard.

Religion- Vhaeraun; Locate at: Old City; Rank: 20th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Undraeth

Is a very minor Drow house, thought large in number it will never attain true power, for its primary clerics are male. Most females of the house have no clerical apptitude, meaning they can not use clerical magic. Instead they go on to becoming fighters, wizards and assasins.

Their primary goal is to bring up their ranks of High Priestess's, threw breeding, all males with clerical status are welcomed and bred as long as they prove themselves, none how ever have left the house. Thought allies of House Del'Sundin, they wish to seperate themselves from their former house completely, if not destroy them someday.

This house is best known for the blend of 'shrommberry wine that it produces. The house is also involved in brewing, fungus farming, and alchemical pursuits (developing new drugs, poisons, and potions).

Religion- Vhaeraun; Locate at: Old City; Rank: 21th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Nepharkin

House Nepharkin is a House originally from Ched Nassad. It has moved to the area for some reason.

This house deals in glassware, glass-blowing, and other glass work. They are known to be able to provide any number of specialties such as leaded glass, glassteel, and so on. They are famed for their "glass swords". The house has reportedly recently discovered a sand pit in the dark dominion that will provide them with exceptionally fine sand for their work.

Religion- Lolth; Locate at: The Bazaar (Underwall Ward) ; Rank: 22th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Rilyntel

House Rilyntel only wants to restore the power to of Lolth and gain her favor in all things, regardless of the cost. They openly stand against any of the non-traditional Houses and wish nothing more than for all males to once again bow at their feet in fear of their Priestess power.

Religion- Lolth; Locate at: The Bazaar (Underwall Ward) ; Rank: 23th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Che'Z'Kith

House Che'Z'Kith has a bloody violent past. Clawing their way up every step of the way, not caring who they have to dispose of to get there. They are ruled by a venemous Matron who desires nothing more than to see her House reach it's full potential. There have been many strong females to sit atop the throne of this House. Each generation born boasts new strength. The females of this house vary in rank and or station. From High Priestess to Trained fighter.

Religion- Lolth; Locate at: The Bazaar (Underwall Ward) ; Rank: 24th House of Kalan-G’eld

House T'lindhet

House T’lindhet was a drow noble house in Chael-Rekshaar, even being the leading House for a long period of time. They suffered the fate of destruction due to treachery from within and the ambition of house Ildorno, who conquered T’lindhet and adopted several members.

As a drow house worshipping Lolth, T’lindhet has certain charasteristics every such a house shares. T’lindhet, "The Sisters of Magic", specialized in the arcane. Often had the Ul'faruk of Kalan-G’eld been of T’lindhet, and the house has sponsored mages specifically through its existance. The house also has a close interaction with the city's pleasure houses, providing them with oils and perfumes made by the T’lindhet mages.

Religion- Lolth; Locate at: The Bazaar (Underwall Ward) ; Rank: 25th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Zerrinath

Matron Mother Dravanna Zerrinath, is a warlord and slave-wrangler. House Zerrinath primary source of money is slavery.
Her backstory is that she manages many of the non-drow guards of the house. Matron Mother Dravanna has only one eye, and some horrible scarring. Specifically, female drow have a higher social ranking than male drow.
Bjorkus, minotaur fighter ("magically bound into servitude")- a sort of muscle bound gladiator that acts as Dravanna's 'pet' and bodyguard.
Religion- Lolth; Locate at: Old City; Rank: 26th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Sorethin

House Sorethin a relatively new house, having arisen within the last millennium. Its original strength came from trade, and that still forms the basis of Sorethin’s power. The clan is willing to send expeditions, into the far reaches of the Underdark, even trading with distant drow communities. (Indeed, one of the clan priestesses was brought to Kalan-G’eld from distant Ched Nasad.)

Religion- Lolth; Locate at: The Bazaar (Underwall Ward); Rank: 27th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Cadryenne

It has been a loyal servant of House Hlaneld in the past. Because of this, the members of the houseshal be given the chance to prove their courage and skill – and if they do so successfully, they will gain the opportunity for significant advancement of their station.

House Cadryenne is entrusted with Lloth's silks; weavers and spinners, makers of clothing and tapestries.

House Cadryenne has been a long standing (300 + years) rival of House Che’Z’Kith (#24), but in recent years they have attracted the enmity of House Archria (#7), and House Sorethin (#27)

Religion- Lolth; Locate at: The Bazaar (Underwall Ward) ; Rank: 28th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Lil Valdrin

House Lil Valdrin is a Llothite house that was lead by Mat’Vae Lil Valdrin, who was the longest-standing matron in Kalan-G’eld thus far. The main focus and goals of the house is public relations and internal affairs. In addition, the house has a well-organized military unit, and the organization of raids and city events are prevalent.

Religion- Lolth; Locate at: Old City; Rank: 29th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Xierchien

House Xierchien is a noble and truly ancient house serving the will of Kiaransalee, perhaps one of the first true houses to embrace the Maiden’s will, Xierchien sought power, prestige and truly epic reputation. Being a Xierchien is about honor, trust and being the best drow you could be.

This house provides financial backing and security for several minor magical item manufacturers in the city. They seem to have access to a great amount of minor magical items which they equip their troops with, presumably from these same businesses.

Religion- Kiaransalee; Locate at: The Gaahr; Rank: 30th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Tlu Malla

Not much is known about the Tlu Malla house. They are a house in shadows, concealing both their plots, their power and their members. It is rumoured that they are a league of rogues and assassins, but wizards, fighters and clerics have been recorded in their midst. Most who are within the house tend to be relatively silent about their house and often appear to have much knowledge about the going's on around them.

New recruits into the house have been known to be tested after the strife but measure their worth before admittance though the exact nature of these tests have been reported to vary depending on applicant.

Religion- Unknown; Locate at: Unknown; Rank: 31th House of Kalan-G’eld

House El’lar

Founded by the young, but charismatic Matron Vhaeshess, an honorary of Arach-Tinilith, the house is based on the ambitious goals of commoners of the city of Kalan-G’eld. House El’lar from the moment of its creation began plotting its debut and rise in the city. More than confident of being able to rise amongst the ranks of these ancient and dead-locked houses, with all intent to give Lolth the taste of new chaos.

House El’lar is in charge of the city's farms and answers to House Ildorno and the ruling council in this.

Religion- Lolth; Locate at: The Bazaar (Underwall Ward) ; Rank: 32th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Ousstyl

This house makes its money through mining but has an unusual side business: drow items. Since most drow items can only be sold to other noble houses and few houses are willing to sell items and the skilled craftsmen who can make such items are in short supply, the Ousstyl are a primary source of drow items for a number of other minor houses. Of course, there are always whispers that they also have deals with certain smugglers and black marketeers. House Ousstyl deals openly with any house without favoritism and as such is thought to either be free of influence by greater houses or is controlled by House Hlaneld who keeps them neutral and honest in order to avoid massive disruption among the city's houses.

Religion- Lolth; Locate at: The Mines; Rank: 33th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Qu’ellar

This old, withering house (they've been steadily dropping in size and power for two centuries) makes its money from dealing in exotic drugs and occasionally exotic monsters and slaves. They have a reputation as brooders but recent rumors indicate they are looking to establish long term trade deals with non-noble merchants to improve their wealth and standing.Religion- Lolth; Locate at: Old City

House 'Lloknar

Religion- Lolth; Locate at: Old City; Rank: 34th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Rilin’Ath

House Rilyn'Ath is extremely poor and is trying to build its wealth by getting into the spell component supply business. In pursuit of this they've adopted three young male mages of low power (bringing the total number of lesser noble mages in the house to eight) to help run the business. The house has also started dealing in magical potions, primarily fire resistance and magic resistance though potions of the latter type sold to non-drow are said to be weaker than those sold to drow, regardless of station (the price remains the same, whatever the truth). The Head House Wizard is the highly respected archmage Quild Pelum'Tith, the matron mother's grand uncle. The current matron mother is rumored not to even be the most powerful of the house's priestesses of Lloth, instead that distinction seems to belong to her aunt.

Religion- Lolth; Locate at: The Mines; Rank: 35th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Qos'Yutsu

Like other Lolthite houses, Qos'Yutsu is under the command of its Matron Mother in this case Veh’dra . Males are considered to be the property of the house. This ambitious house specializes in politics and information, and even the males are selected for their intelligence and initiative.

In addition to the arts of manipulation, the house is also a keen sponsor of the arts. The Matron Mother believes that Drow truly represent the pinnacle of civilization and encourages bardic creativity of all kinds. This is not to say that the martial arts are neglected. Beneath the polished exterior lie muscles of iron, just waiting to be flexed.

Religion- Lolth; Locate at: The Bazaar (Artisans Ward) ; Rank: 36th House of Kalan-G’eld

House Maelthra

This is a relatively simple house with little to recommend it or make it exceptional. It has few troops, a decent slave force, and only 8 nobles besides the matron mother--2 male warriors, 2 female warriors, 3 priestesses, and 1 high priestess (note the lack of a Head House Wizard). The house dabbles a bit in everything to make money and is seen (by commoners) as easily manipulated by any ruling house in its bid for station.

Religion- Lolth; Locate at: The Bazaar (Artisans Ward) ; Rank: 37th House of Kalan-G’eld

martes, 16 de agosto de 2011

Drow Deities


Title: the Dark Maiden, Lady of the Dance

Power Level: Lesser Deity

Alignment: Chaotic good

Portfolio: Song, beauty, dance, swrodwork, hunting, moonlight

Worshipers: Good-aligned drow, hunters, elves

Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, CN

Domains: Chaos, Charm, Drow, Elf, Good, Moon, Portal

Favored Weapon: Bastard Sword

Also referred to as "The Dark Maiden", is the drow goddess of song, swordwork, hunting, the moon and beauty. She is greatly angered by the evil of most drow but glad that some worked their way free of the Spider Queen's web. Eilistraee appeared as an unclad, glossy-skinned drow woman of great height with ankle-length, sweeping hair of glowing silver.

She is worshiped by song and dance, if at all possible, in the surface world under the moonlit night among the woods. She took great pleasure in bards learning new songs, craftsmen at work, and the doing of kindhearted deeds.


Title: that Which Lurks, the Elder Eye

Power Level: Lesser Deity

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Portfolio: Oozes, slimes, jellies, outcasts, ropers, rebels

Worshipers: Aboleths, drow, fighters, oozes, outcasts, ropers

Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE

Domains: Cavern, Chaos, drow, Evil, Hatred, Slimes

Favored Weapon: Warhammer

Ghaunadaur is an unpredictable deity. False worshipers may be rewarded by it, sometimes even with permanent magical boons, but they might just as well be devoured by The Elder Eye without a second thought. Ghaunadaur enjoys watching large horrible monsters as they hunt and devour their prey, causing much suffering. When Ghaunadaur leaves the Inner Planes he is always silent, but some old records mention a gibbering and bestial language being spoken in the god's court. When communicating it uses telepathy and keeps its conversations blunt and simple


Title: Lady of the Dead, the Revenancer, the Vengeful Banshee

Power Level: Demigod

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Portfolio: Undead, Vengance

Worshipers: Drow, necromancers, undead

Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE

Domains: Chaos, death, drow, evil, retribution

Favored Weapon: Dagger

Kiaransalee is a cruel, twisted and vengeful deity. The Lady of the Dead became insane ages ago; however, she managed to keep her cunning and she could still clearly remember every slight or insult towards her, whether it was real or imagined. Kiaransalee is powerful and swift to anger, and against all who have wronged her she plotted a dark revenge. The Lady of the Dead preferred company from the mindless undead she could manipulate at will, over sentient beings that are possessed of independent thought. She rarely trusted anyone else to do justice to her vision and thus preferred to settle her problems herself


Title: Queen of Spiders, Queen of the Demonweb Pits

Power Level: Intermediate deity

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Portfolio: Assassins, chaos, darkness, drow, evil, spiders

Worshipers: Drow, depraved elves, sentient spiders

Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE

Domains: Chaos, Drow, Evil, Darkness, Destruction, Spider, Trickery

Favored Weapon: Dagger

Lolth, the Queen of Spiders or Queen of the Demonweb Pits, is the goddess of the drow, a chaotic evil deity who revels in chaos. She patterns her life and the lives of her worshipers on a regimen of chaotic acts and the veneration of spiders. The way that new-born spider broods tear each other apart to survive especially appeals to her. She promotes this by encouraging her worshipers to kill their rivals, thus ensuring that they are the strongest of the 'brood'. Her love of chaos often makes her appear mad but the wise see her as a calculating individual who is always several steps ahead of those who believe that they can anticipate her. She is cruel and domineering, forcing her will upon her followers and her enemies, a will which instructs the strong to crush the weak in the most torturous way imaginable.


Title: Champion of Lolth, the Spider that Waits

Power Level: Demigod

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Portfolio: Drow Warriors

Worshipers: Barbarian, drows, fighters, those who like to kill, warriors

Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE

Domains: Chaos, Drow, Evil, Spider, War

Favored Weapon: Heavy Mace

Selvetarm is cruel and malicious, cares only for battle and destruction. The champion of Lolth harbors a deep hatred for all living thingsd, including his dominating mistress, and the only beauty he can appreciate is a well-honed and deadly fighting Style. He is the patron of unequaled battle prowess and bloodlust. Selvetarm cared only for battle and destruction everywhere.


Title: The Msked Lord, the Masked God of Night

Power Level: Lesser Deity

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Portfolio: Thievery, drow males, evil activity on the surface

Worshipers: Assassins, male drow, Half-drow, poisoners, shadowdancers, rogues, thieves

Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE

Domains: Chaos, Drow, Evil, Travel Trickery

Favored Weapon: Short Sword

Vhaeraun, also known as the Masked Lord and the Masked God of Night, is the drow god of thievery, drow males, and evil activity on the surface world. His worshipers include assassins, male drow and half-drow, poisoners, shadowdancers, rogues, and thieves. Vhaeraun resides in the Demonweb Pits, where he has a territory permitted to him by Lolth although the two entities, mother and son, are opposed to each other.


Title: The Princess of the Outcasts

Power Level: Demigod

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Portfolio: Deception, humiliation, ambush, assassination

Worshipers: Drow outcasts, rakes, assassins, malcontents

Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, CG, N

Domains: Chaos, Drow, Luck, Trickery

Favored Weapon: Shortsword

Zinzerena is a rebellious heroine venerated by the dissidents and outcasts of drow society.

She appears as a cloaked and masked drow rogue who moves with astounding agility.

Zinzerena was the drow goddess of chaos and assassins until Lolth killed her and took her portfolio.

Zinzerena was a female drow illusionist and assassin of supreme skill. Her mother faked her death in order to smuggle her away from the priestesses of Lolth. She grew in power, studying alone as an illusionist and assassin specializing in the use of poison and disguise. Zinzerena plotted against Lolth much like Vhaeraun does, opposing her tyrannical methods. At one time she resided in Menzoberranzan.

Lolth killed her during the Time of Troubles and now uses her name and image as a disguise, attracting rebels and dissidents to her own worship through this ruse.